Doing the rounds yesterday, one tomato plant is looking REALLY sick! My understanding of blight is that it appears in brown spots first, but in my case the whole plant just looks half dead, browned off, but in a dead kind of sense, not with spots/fungus. It certainly isn't lack of water, the pot has drainage holes and I fed it not long ago. There are lots of tomatoes left to ripen on it, but I'm wondering if it's just given up. The nights have been quite cold, here and my garden is in a wind tunnel.
Is it just giving up on any summer happening, or is it just at the end of its natural life? The others look ok, not perfect (they're also out in the open), but better than this poor specimen! Just wondering if I can resurrect it or should I just harvest the greens for chutney?
Is it just giving up on any summer happening, or is it just at the end of its natural life? The others look ok, not perfect (they're also out in the open), but better than this poor specimen! Just wondering if I can resurrect it or should I just harvest the greens for chutney?