i planted a whole packet of leeks, and out of all of them i have a grand total of 4 leeks ........ i found them under the parsnips today, i'm going to plant them in the front garden with the others i got off another kind grape
I also found 2 pepper plants as well, i thought they died off months ago, they are still tiny, but i'm going to bring them indoors, and try overwintering them.
i think i've got blight on my tomato plants, all the stems had brown patches on them and the leaves had brown blotches and they all went from looking dead healthy a couple of days ago, to dead dead today, anyway i pulled them up, just in case think its too late to get any now anyway.
i also found a inch long green spikey thing on my cucumber plant, got mildly hysterical till i realised it was the smallest cucumber in the world, that has spikes all over it ..... very weird.
i also had a carrot in the middle of my bird patio, it was bigger and straighter than any in the carrot patch lol.
my broccoli and caulis are just starting to get some heads.
and i saw my second ladybird of the year

I also found 2 pepper plants as well, i thought they died off months ago, they are still tiny, but i'm going to bring them indoors, and try overwintering them.
i think i've got blight on my tomato plants, all the stems had brown patches on them and the leaves had brown blotches and they all went from looking dead healthy a couple of days ago, to dead dead today, anyway i pulled them up, just in case think its too late to get any now anyway.
i also found a inch long green spikey thing on my cucumber plant, got mildly hysterical till i realised it was the smallest cucumber in the world, that has spikes all over it ..... very weird.
i also had a carrot in the middle of my bird patio, it was bigger and straighter than any in the carrot patch lol.
my broccoli and caulis are just starting to get some heads.
and i saw my second ladybird of the year
