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more tomato advice needed!


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  • more tomato advice needed!

    I've got Alicante and Buffalo, both outside in a combination of growbags and pots, in very sunny spot (altho a bit windy). Masses of fruit, but none is turning red - will they ever?
    also, should I pick off the really tiny ones, given that its now mid August, or do I leave them and think they will still have enough time to grow?
    there are even still some flowers, should I get rid of those?
    also have some that birds have got, or have split - do I pick those off?
    thanks in advance grapes!

  • #2
    Hi FVV, it depends on whether you've got enough trusses on with large enough fruit already. If you have then I'd pick off the flowers & maybe the very tiny fruits & definitely the damaged ones as diseases can enter through the splits & travel back into the plants. If you haven't done so already you should pinch out the growing tips at the top of the plants to stop them wasting energy by producing new shoots & leaves. The fruits still have plenty of time to ripen though as I leave mine outside until the first frosts sometimes, you just have to make sure they don't get hit by frost & pick any remaining green fruits & take them indoors to ripen on your windowsill or in a paper bag with a banana if they are very green.
    Into every life a little rain must fall.


    • #3
      thanks Sue! off out there now, wind and rain permitting...


      • #4
        Eventually my toms are starting to go red! dexterdog
        Bernie aka DDL

        Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


        • #5
          I've got stacks of green tomatoes, but none of them look like they're even thinking about ripening anytime soon!

          I did have a look at some other plots on the allotment today and a lot of people also have green tomatoes.

          Mine seem very dark green at the top of each fruit though - did I read on hear somewhere that that bit won't ripen?

          I'm very new to all this, first year growing anything, and I've learnt two things about myself - 1) I'm very impatient and 2) I have a jealousy problem when it comes to what other people are growing!!



          • #6
            Hi Michelle, no don't get inpatient. When you are least expecting it your toms will start to ripen. first of all they will go a little yellow and then it will be no time before they are on there way to ripening. Don't be impatient, i think its a trait that all gardeners have, but it will be all right in the end.
            Good luck, Bramble.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • #7

              I think the dark green at the top you describe is probably greenback. I think it's caused by them being too hot - though I'm sure someone else knows for sure. The dark green bit won't ripen, but the rest of the tom will, so you can just chop the top bit off before you eat them
              Last edited by FoxHillGardener; 21-08-2006, 03:58 PM.


              • #8
                At last, I have at least 10 tiny green toms on my plants. God knows how long before they ripen! This averages at about 2 toms per plant which doesn't seem very good but at least it is a result.
                As it is only 2 toms per plant shall I leave the other flowers going to see if I get more and shall I take off the top of the plant to direct more pwer to the toms.
                By the way these fruits are known at home as my babies!!


                • #9
                  To Fvv RE TOMATOES

                  Everyone I speak to has a problem with toms ripening.I use phostrogene once a week,and decided to feed twice a week, alternating the second feed with epsom salts, (magnesium) . The toms have responded now , am growing beefsteak and alicante
                  Good Luck.CONIFER BILL.


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