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Using Home Made Compost


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  • Using Home Made Compost

    I used my first batch of home made compost recently. I dug it out the composter, sieved it and used it in pots. The problem was soon after the seeds that I planted germinated I also seemed to get grass growing. I assume this was because my compost contained some grass cuttings originally.

    Is there anyway of further killing these seeds off (sterilizing) without destroying the goodness in the compost.

    Rgds Andy

  • #2

    You need high temps to kill off weed seeds. I use a hot composting system where the temp can reach 170F or about 76C. Even this does not kill all seeds as the sides will n ot be as hot as the middle.

    I have a free downloadable document on building a hot compost bin on my website at High Density Gardening-Hotbox Compost Bin

    After it has been through the hotbox system, I mature it for a few months in a normal plastic bin which has plenty or worms in it. I will be starting to sieve my cold compost bin soon (from the bottom as I have added fresh compost to the top). I will save as many worms and eggs as possible and bury these in the top of the bin to continue the composting cycle.

    I built my first bins after visiting CAT in Wales 12 years ago. Two bins cost �6 made out of recycled plywood and other timber I had lying around. These instructuions show using brand new plywood which I had cut to size before I started. The ones from recycled plywood lasted 11 years, not bad for �3 each. Apart from the nails and roof felt for the lid they were totally recycled.

    Have fun and enjoy composting. I use it as much as possible as a food source for my veg plot.


    Ric Wiley
    Ric Wiley


    • #3
      You could try microwaving your sieved compost to sterilise it.

      Start Seed and Transplants in Sterilized Soil

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