My large plastic greenhouse in the garden has been blown over this morning and is totally broken.
I have 9 cucumber plants in there. I haven't expected them to do much as the weather has been so bad but as it's my first year I was just happy watching things happen.
They are about 4 foot tall and the cucumbers on them are about 5" and l;ight green. Is it worth me trying to save these?
By saving I would have to bring them into the garage and wheel them out when it was sunny. The garage always has the light on during the day so they would probably be getting more light than previously.
Please help as they are on my patio at the moment and if they are saveable (?) I'd really like to save them.
E.T.A. They are in growbags, can I repot them in the pots my potatoes were in?
I have 9 cucumber plants in there. I haven't expected them to do much as the weather has been so bad but as it's my first year I was just happy watching things happen.
They are about 4 foot tall and the cucumbers on them are about 5" and l;ight green. Is it worth me trying to save these?
By saving I would have to bring them into the garage and wheel them out when it was sunny. The garage always has the light on during the day so they would probably be getting more light than previously.
Please help as they are on my patio at the moment and if they are saveable (?) I'd really like to save them.
E.T.A. They are in growbags, can I repot them in the pots my potatoes were in?