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what sort of compost bin do you use?


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  • what sort of compost bin do you use?

    I need to buy a new one - my plastic square one has fallen to pieces (v. annoying!) Don't know whether to lash out on a wooden one or get a round plastic one from Recyclenow - I've had round ones before and find them hard to turn. I am not a 'handy' person so would not consider being creative and making my own from pallets etc!!!! I wish I could, but I know my limits.....

    What do you find good? I grow my veggies in a smallish plot at the bottom of the garden.

  • #2
    I have three round 'dalek' compost bins. Our local council gave every household a free one last year, I bagged the in-laws one as they don't have anywhere to compost (and no need to do so as they don't garden) and I got the third from the local tip where there were loads and I got it free too.

    To 'turn' the contents, I take the bin off and place it next to the pile then shovel everything back in. I don't turn the stuff often, maybe once when the bin has been filled and left for a week or three. Then it is left to do it's thing and the other bins are filled up. Can't say I have had the 3 full yet though - maybe now we have chooks that will change.
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      sweetcorn, making one from pallets is dead easy....if i can do it anyone can!. i just got 4 pallets, cleared the ground where the bin is to stand, stood the pallets on their sides and tied them together with wire!. i havent put a lid on it, and on others advise should put something over the top, so will look at options for that, but it wont be a 5th pallet...more like some thick plastic or cardboard to keep the rain to a minimum and help keep in the heat.
      i used wire instead of nails so i could undo it easily to move the whole bin and turn the compost as needed, plus to access the good stuff when its ready. my plan is to grab another 2 or 3 pallets to start another bay beside the one i have now!.
      theres a piccie of my bin on my blog if you want to see it!.
      Finding Home


      • #4
        Thanks Shirl and Kiwi for your replies. Kiwirach, where did you get the pallets from? Must say it does sound like even I could do it!


        • #5
          I have 9 daleks which are moved around the plot year by year, I top these up with manure to speed up the composting of the green stuff doing this means I dont need to turn the compost the worms do that for me.


          • #6
            i have 2 dalek bins 1 for kitchen and garden waste the other for pony, chicken and hamster poo
            my plot march 2013

            hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


            • #7
              Originally posted by sweetcorn View Post
              Thanks Shirl and Kiwi for your replies. Kiwirach, where did you get the pallets from? Must say it does sound like even I could do it!
              its a doddle sweetcorn.....stand them on their sides on flat ground, and tie them securely with wire. i used the wire because i'm not sure that the bin is in its final resting place and wanted to be able to dismantle it easily.

              i got my pallets from the plot holder next to me....he works as a school caretaker and had a pile of them just sitting around at the school so i went and collected them.

              you'll find them all over the place once you start looking for them!....skips being the obvious 1st place to start.
              Finding Home


              • #8
                try your local garden centre/ industrial estate they'll be all over the place.



                • #9
                  try checking in your local newspapers, the free newspapers we end up with have a lot of adverts in for things that are free for collection - including pallets this week - if only I had my allotment already! Providing you have a car or access to one of course
                  ~+~ Eagerly awaiting my first allotment ~+~


                  • #10
                    1 dalek
                    3 old plastic dustbins
                    1 hand made main compost bin - about 2 ft high and about 4ft square

                    Stuff goes into plastic bins, which when full sit for a few weeks, then get chucked into dalek.

                    Dalek gets emptied out 2 or 3 times a year into main composter.

                    Main composter gets put into old bought compost bags and taken to lottie, or spread around garden at this time of year to mulch over winter.

                    about �15 for dalek
                    3 bins, came from freecycle - so petrol to collect them
                    composter, 15 bits of wood from reclaim yard @ 50p each; �7.50 total. Old screws from garage used.

                    In the future, I'd never buy a dalek; just pile it up or use old wood/pallets as described above. We have one at the lottie, which is an old builders bag which sits next to another heap, which will be enclosed when I get around to it.


                    • #11
                      I've got two types. One is a black dalek, with the square hatch at the front, the other is an old plastic bin with holes drilled in about 1/3 the way up. This one works better than the dalek. Both were free!


                      • #12
                        Trousers collected some wooden pallets for me from a couple of garden centres I'd begged/stealed and borrowed them from. They seem to make the best compost, because you've got an 'air flow' through the heap, and if you fit the pallets together (as expertly as described above!) they end up making a PERFECT-sized compost bin, in my humble opinion.
                        I'd opt for the old wooden pallets, no hesitation whatsoever.
                        Good luck, whatever you decide.


                        • #13
                          2 daleks both freebies from council & a double bayed pallet construction as described above and I use pieces of old carpet on the top of them...if you ask round your its surprising who has or knows of an old pallet source
                          The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


                          • #14
                            I've had the pallet style heap before and it worked best when I put cardboard round the sides and top. Now I have dalek style ones and the next one I start, I am planning to line that with cardboard as well.
                            "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

                            Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


                            • #15
                              Ward Bin and Lid Black 80ltr at Wilkinson Plus

                              I've used these, upside down with bottoms cut off and reattatched lid (with brick )


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