Went to the lottie today and had to pull up the courgette plants (a few small courgettes on them but plants have had it - likewise the butternut squash plants). Last few runner beans picked, now it's just a case of tidying up and planting overwintering onions and garlic.
No announcement yet.
It's definitely the end of the season
It's been so windy today anything that wasn't tied down has probably been blown away. I dug up the last of the pink fir spuds today and half of them were rotton it's been so wet. Still a few courgettes and marrows to go before I clear the bed.I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!
We're planning on picking the last few runner beans for lunch on Sunday then, assuming the frame is still standing after the wind we've had today, it will be a case of removing the canes, tidying the plot, sowing the overwintering peas, beans and garlic, then just popping up to the allotment whenever we need a few Brussels sprouts - yes I have been known to go on Christmas morning, the sprouts wouldn't be fresh enough otherwise, would they?Our greenhouse at home still needs its autumn clean-up though, which is probably my last major job of the year.
Last edited by bluemoon; 23-10-2008, 07:42 PM.Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.
Pulled up the last of the beans and peas yesterday, and all we have left now are sprouts, kale, spinach, chard, swede, psb and a few beetroot soldiering on as well. The leeks all seem to have keeled over so even though we haven't pulled them up I don't reckon there will be a harvest to speak of. Made a list yesterday of "things to do in the next few weeks" and that made me feel a bit better - there's still things to sow and plant yet!Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.
planted the beans out for overwintering, other than that tidied up, being in the south i still have a garden full of flowers which is nice, onions and garlic are coming up strong, but it definitely feels like time to curl up in front of a fire, if i had one, will have to be the TV instead.
although i do intend to spend all winter brewing wine.Last edited by BrideXIII; 23-10-2008, 08:30 PM.Vive Le Revolution!!!'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09
I've got one last courgette - tiny, but valiantly trying to grow bigger - and I don't want to pull the plants up until this one is ready for picking.
Other than that, I'm growing some chard in pots to plant out later, have got some potatoes in a bin and still enjoying the herbs.
Also have some more wimpy herbs indoors hoping to keep picking them throughout winter.My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)
5 days from today I shall be back home and shall be doing all of the above.
Had an email from a friend yesterday, courgettes still hanging on, as well as a couple of cabbages to be pickled on my return.
Will be filling up the raised beds and then getting overwinter garlic, onions and carrots in. Carrots clearly a trial, we shall see.Bob Leponge
Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.
I've just transplanted some self-sown coriander (I know I've been telling everyone it hates being moved, but it was all growing in my path).
I've packed up the last of the French beans and hung the canes up to dry out
I've got still got lots of veg to pick: lettuce, carrots, parsnips, squash, brassicas, scorzonera ... plenty to last us until March.
It's snuggle time for me now - some good books and some dressmaking/curtainmaking to do. I hate the winter (I think I'm actually a herbacious perennial).All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Do the clocks change this weekend?
I have very little left too and planning on dragging OH there on Sunday (if it has dried off enough) for the digging over, harvesting last of the spuds and beans and sweetcorn, lashing compost on the areas that we'll be covering, and then covering those, and then planting garlic, and sowing pre-sprouted peas and broad beans (sitting on kitchen windowsill as we speak).
I still have a good lots of brussels sprouts and some PSB, and a fairly decent stand of leeks, but that's about it until next spring. My courgette plant at home will probably come up at the weekend as well - and the very very last cherry toms will be eaten too and hanging basket retired to shed for the winter.
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