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It's definitely the end of the season


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
    I hate the winter (I think I'm actually a herbacious perennial).
    Me too!! Actually, I think I suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which is supposed to be caused by lack of proper daylight. I'm thinking of buying one of those lamps to use indoors (Argos now sell one for around �35), as I work fulltime and cannot possibly spend enough time outdoors during winter to get my daily ration of sunlight (or even natural daylight).


    • #17
      just sprouts and leeks left on mine , also had my first lot of sprouts today for tea


      rain rain go away (2009)

      rain rain rain (2010)


      • #18
        pulled the last radishes today, they are in the greenhouse and I am still debating whether to try for another lot.

        rocket and mustard still growing well in the greenhouse so will at least have a salad for the weekend.
        Last edited by BrideXIII; 24-10-2008, 08:32 PM.
        Vive Le Revolution!!!
        'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
        Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


        • #19
          Originally posted by jaykay View Post
          Me too! After this weekend when the clocks change I look forward to March when we go back to BST!
          I cheer up on December 21/22nd. Walking round saying 'happy solstice' to one and all. By Christmas Day I'm saying 'the nights are getting shorter'.

          It's wierd, but for some reason I'm down now until Christmas (could be something to do with no family), but by January 1st I think it's spring!


          • #20
            I've got carrots, onions, oca, loads of brassicas, parsnips, leeks, beetroot, herbs, salads, spring onions, courgettes, cukes, the last of the beans, winter squash, all still to be harvested. Garlic, shallots, leeks, onions all planted out for next year. When we get home, i'm expecting the courgettes/cukes to be nearly done though.

            I get my Moon Book in October, and it always feels like the start of the year, not the end!

            We visited Heligan this week, and their harvest display brought tears to my eyes; it looked absolutely fabulous.


            • #21
              i've still got loads to be harvested, peas and beans are still flowering, still some potatoes, cauli, broccoli, carrots, turnips parsnips, squash, courgettes, pumpkins, beetroot, kale, black cabbage, leeks, and 2 very tiny green tomatoes ......onions and swede that i think will take till next year ..... i left my sweetcorn in even though i know it won't produce, there was only 2 of them, and i just noticed today, they have got their boy bits ..... no girl bits though..... and alas no melons in my lawn.


              • #22
                I think the nice thing is, that as this was my first year, and I only grew a few bits, winter is going to be spent perfecting my winemaking, so I will still be busy, and next year, i get to grow all the stuff i need, to do next winters winemaking (well nearly, i doubt even your allotments could supply enough for my consumption), so its all good, adn no real quite time, one hobby moves into the other perfectly, wine, chutney, jam mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
                Vive Le Revolution!!!
                'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                • #23
                  I was a bit later than the rest o you with planting out my sprout plants grown from seed an they didn't make it into the veg garden until late July. They are now about 20 inches tall and the sprouts are about peanut size up the stems.
                  In addition i have carrots, parsnips, leeks, red cabbage , romanesco cauli's, psb, swede's, but nothing that is ready for the immediate eating I am in one them annoying , nothing is quite ready stages, cept the parsnips, but i am saving them for yule.
                  I tell a fib!!... the perpetual spinach is still cropping.

                  I am itching to start again with it

                  I have may cauli's an spring cabbage in the ground for spring, an onion, shallots an garlic for may, but this month is a bit dry for crops.



                  • #24
                    We have picked everything too.
                    Last things we picked were some cucumbers and that was about 3 weeks ago.

                    Our veg beds are empty now but we have got some corn salad seedlings that will be going outside over the winter in big tubs.


                    • #25
                      Can I add lots of chilli peppers, and a few sweet peppers to the list as well - They have been grown outside and many are still to turn from green...I think they might have to come in soon, but are being over-wintered for an earlier harvest next year.

                      Got back from hols yesterday and the courgettes are still producing. Courgettes this late, very odd. If they make it to November, I'll be chuffed to biscuits.


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