Very high winds and lashing rain here last night. I'm in bed with Bird Flu, so Mr Sheds brings me up a cuppa and helpfully says "you do know the plastic greenhouses are all over the garden?"

The little with no cover was okay, still upright, but the 4-tier one with the zip-up cover was flat on it's face, with seed trays, plants and compost spread all around.
I've just spent a very cold 30 mins sifting through compost trying to rescue whatever I can ... the broadies were fairly easy to spot, but the onion seeds have probably all had it.
I'd cry, if I had the energy for it.

The little with no cover was okay, still upright, but the 4-tier one with the zip-up cover was flat on it's face, with seed trays, plants and compost spread all around.
I've just spent a very cold 30 mins sifting through compost trying to rescue whatever I can ... the broadies were fairly easy to spot, but the onion seeds have probably all had it.
I'd cry, if I had the energy for it.