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What I intend to do today or tomorrow number2


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  • Monday jobs
    Mow lawns if dry enough - done
    Sow calabrese, replacement cabbage, peas - done
    Deadheading - done some
    Weeding - done a little
    Harvest carrots, spinach, microgreens - done

    No gardening time at all on Tuesday, just collected water and harvested some rhubarb.

    Wednesday jobs (work and weather permitting)
    Collect water
    Take peas to allotment and plant
    Sow more peas, romanesco
    Pot up tomato sideshoots
    Weeding and horsetail
    Harvest spinach, carrots
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • Wednesday jobs
      Collect water - done
      Take peas to allotment and plant - taken but not planted
      Sow more peas, romanesco - no
      Pot up tomato sideshoots - done
      Weeding and horsetail - done a bit
      Deadheading - done some
      Harvest spinach, carrots - done spinach

      Thursday was impossible although I did manage to steal 10 minutes to run round the allotment with the lawn mower.

      Friday jobs
      Pot up biggest tomato plants
      Pot up cosmos, antirrhinums
      Sow peas, romanesco
      Rearrange indoor plants
      Cut grass edges at allotment
      Weeding and horsetail
      Harvest lettuce, carrots

      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • Friday jobs
        Pot up biggest tomato plants - done some
        Pot up cosmos, antirrhinums - done cosmos
        Sow peas, romanesco - no
        Rearrange indoor plants - done for now
        Cut grass edges at allotment - done some
        Weeding and horsetail - done a bit
        Harvest lettuce, carrots - no

        Weekend jobs (work and weather permitting)

        At my friend's
        Take beetroot and cucumber to greenhouse
        Water plants in greenhouse
        Plant out lettuces

        At allotment
        Continue trimming grass edges
        Weeding and horsetail
        Plant peas
        Harvest lettuce, spinach and any remaining PSB

        At home
        Pot up antirrhinums, courgettes, tomatoes
        Sow romanesco, peas, broccoli
        Harvest carrots
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • Two week old compost to hoik out, new compost to get started..
          Location ... Nottingham


          • Weekend jobs

            At my friend's
            Take beetroot and cucumber to greenhouse - done
            Water plants in greenhouse - done
            Weeding - no
            Plant out lettuces - no

            At allotment
            Continue trimming grass edges - no
            Weeding and horsetail - done a bit
            Plant peas - no
            Harvest lettuce, spinach and any remaining PSB - done

            At home
            Pot up antirrhinums, courgettes, tomatoes - done
            Sow romanesco, peas, broccoli - done except peas (need pots)
            Weeding - no
            Deadheading - done some
            Harvest carrots - done

            Still struggling with serious lack of time. All I manged to do today was water under cover plants.

            Tuesday jobs (weather and work permitting)
            Grass edges at allotment
            Plant peas
            Sow peas
            Pot up tomato seedlings
            Rearrange plants under lights
            Harvest spinach, carrots
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • Tuesday jobs
              Weeding - done some
              Grass edges at allotment - no, but did some at home
              Plant peas - no
              Sow peas - no
              Pot up tomato seedlings - done
              Rearrange plants under lights - done
              Harvest spinach, carrots - done spinach

              Also put the net back on the tunnel (although it needs a bit more attention as I ran out of time).

              Wednesday jobs
              Finish off tunnel net
              Batten down hatches (gales forecast Thursday)
              Plant peas
              Sow peas (need pots that pea plants are in!)
              Trim more grass edges
              Harvest lettuce, spinach, carrots
              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


              • Wednesday jobs
                Finish off tunnel net - done
                Batten down hatches (gales forecast Thursday) - done
                Plant peas - done
                Sow peas (need pots that pea plants are in!) - done
                Trim more grass edges - done some
                Harvest lettuce, spinach, carrots - done

                No gardening time today, just harvested some spinach.

                Friday jobs (weather permitting)
                Collect rain water
                Weeding and horsetail
                Trim more grass edges
                Harvest lettuce, baby beet, spinach, carrots
                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                • I need to sow runner beans & sunflowers before anything else when there’s time. Also sow peas,parsnip & carrot seeds direct outside,maybe some swede direct sown under netting,haven’t tried that way yet. It’s rained everyday this week....
                  Location : Essex


                  • Friday jobs
                    Collect rain water - done
                    Weeding and horsetail - no (flooded)
                    Trim more grass edges - no (flooded)
                    Harvest lettuce, baby beet, spinach, carrots - no, but did grab some rhubarb

                    Also potted up another tomato sideshoot

                    Weekend jobs (weather permitting)

                    At my friend's
                    Check plants in greenhouse and water
                    Plant beetroot and lettuces

                    At allotment
                    Cover potatoes (cold nights again)
                    Remove any weeds on dry land
                    Harvest spinach, lettuce, PSB

                    At home
                    Check and weed paths and drive if water allows
                    Put net on carrot cage
                    Cover potatoes over night
                    Harvest carrots, spinach, check peas
                    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                    • The suns out and the wind has dropped, so first I need to survey the damage from yesterdays storm, then I have a shiny new lawn mower that needs testing.................................


                      • Weekend jobs

                        At my friend's
                        Check plants in greenhouse and water - done
                        Weeding - done quite a bit
                        Plant beetroot and lettuces - done beetroot

                        At allotment
                        Cover potatoes (cold nights again) - done
                        Remove any weeds on dry land - done some
                        Harvest spinach, lettuce, PSB - done except PSB

                        At home
                        Check and weed paths and drive if water allows - no
                        Put net on carrot cage - done
                        Cover potatoes over night - done
                        Deadheading - done a little
                        Harvest carrots, spinach, check peas - done

                        Also (surprisingly) managed to cut the lawns and sowed runner beans

                        Monday jobs
                        Collect water
                        Weeding and deadheading
                        Sort out mesh for peas and plant
                        Harvest lettuce, spinach
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • I must:
                          • Mow lawn
                          • Verticut it
                          • Overseed it with lovely fine grass seed
                          • Top dress
                          Can't do all that tomorrow, but before weekend when its going to turn warmer.

                          I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


                          • Monday jobs
                            Collect water - done
                            Weeding and deadheading - done some
                            Sort out mesh for peas and plant - done
                            Harvest lettuce, spinach - done, also the first few french beans from the plants on the windowsill.

                            Also went to the garden centre and bought bedding plants and dug the bottom out of the hotbin. I forgot to mention yesterday that I trimmed the allotment hedges at the weekend.

                            Tuesday jobs (weather permitting)
                            Start bringing dahlias and begonias out of garage
                            Try to find a solution to millions of tiny seedlings from seeds that landed a couple of weeks ago in the back garden (see photos below)
                            Weeding and deadheading
                            Harvest spinach, rhubarb

                            Click image for larger version

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ID:	2525809

                            This is what the ground looked like ALL over the back garden. The air was thick with them and the ground was turning white - I thought it was snow at first! This is what is happening now:

                            Click image for larger version

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Size:	1.46 MB
ID:	2525810

                            These tiny little seedlings are everywhere - on the beds, in the pots and buckets, in trays of seedlings, in the cracks in the paving... anywhere that has not been covered. I don't know what they are or where they came from - they are not in the front garden, just the back. They are far too small for my usual method of pulling them out at the 2 seed leaf stage, so I am completely stuck!
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Pene,I’ve got the same on my pots of peas & beans,loads of tiny seedlings,I wonder about covering it with a layer of old compost?
                              Location : Essex


                              • Originally posted by Jungle Jane View Post
                                Pene,I’ve got the same on my pots of peas & beans,loads of tiny seedlings,I wonder about covering it with a layer of old compost?
                                I'm going to have to do something like that. One of the areas that is covered in seedlings is my flowerbed where I want to plant out the bedding I bought yesterday. I'm going to wait until the rain stops (Thursday?) then hoe it off and hope that the seedlings die if its dry. Then I'll plant it up with bedding and mulch between the plants. The difficult bits are where the seeds have got in amongst rows of peas or in pots of leek seedlings where you can't really get in between the plants to mulch.
                                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


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