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What I intend to do today or tomorrow number2


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  • Penellype
    Very little time today, but managed to cut back the nettles in the allotment hedge and harvest some beans and tomatoes.

    No gardening time tomorrow.

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  • burnie
    That's my out door gardening finished for this season, raised beds just cleared of the last sweetcorn and climbing french beans, just autumn raspberries producing now.

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  • Penellype
    Monday jobs
    Collect rain water - done
    Pot up calendula, corn salad and french bean seedlings - done
    Weeding and horsetail - done some
    Deadheading - no
    Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, romanesco, beans, courgettes, melon - done

    No gardening time today.

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  • Penellype
    Weekend jobs

    At my friend's
    Check tomatoes and cut off any mouldy bits - done
    Weeding - done some
    Fill self watering trays if necessary - done
    Harvest tomatoes - done

    At allotment
    Photos (Sunday, 1st of month) - done
    Collect rain water - done
    Weeding and horsetail - done some
    Collect any dried bean pods - too wet
    Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, beans, romanesco, leek, turnips - done

    At home
    Photos (Sunday) - done
    Check tomatoes for blight - done
    Weeding - no
    Deadheading - done some
    Water greenhouse plants - done
    Harvest tomatoes, lettuce, carrots - done

    Very busy this week so updates are likely to be erratic.

    Monday jobs
    Collect rain water
    Pot up calendula, corn salad and french bean seedlings
    Weeding and horsetail
    Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, romanesco, beans, courgettes, melon

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  • Penellype
    Weekend jobs

    At my friend's
    Check tomatoes and cut off any mouldy bits
    Fill self watering trays if necessary
    Harvest tomatoes

    At allotment
    Photos (Sunday, 1st of month)
    Collect rain water
    Weeding and horsetail
    Collect any dried bean pods
    Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, beans, romanesco, leek, turnips

    At home
    Photos (Sunday)
    Check tomatoes for blight
    Water greenhouse plants
    Harvest tomatoes, lettuce, carrots

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  • Penellype
    Wednesday jobs
    Check tomatoes for blight - done
    Weeding and horsetail - done some
    Deadheading - done some
    Plant out spinach seedlings - done
    Check everything is secure (gales forecast) - done
    Harvest lettuce, salad leaves, tomatoes, beans, carrot. leek, check cucumbers - done

    Not a lot of time today, but checked for wind damage and harvested tomatoes and beans.

    No gardening time tomorrow.

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  • Penellype
    Tuesday jobs
    Weeding and horsetail - done some
    Deadheading - no
    Trim long bits of grass - no
    Check pots etc and water if needed - no
    Harvest tomatoes, beans, romanesco - done plus a courgette

    The weather was unkind - I was expecting a fine morning, but it rained, and I had appointments in the afternoon, so very little got done.

    Wednesday jobs
    Check tomatoes for blight
    Weeding and horsetail
    Plant out spinach seedlings
    Check everything is secure (gales forecast)
    Harvest lettuce, salad leaves, tomatoes, beans, carrot. leek, check cucumbers

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  • Penellype
    Monday jobs
    Check tomatoes for blight - done
    Check for wind damage - done
    Collect any rain water - none
    Weeding and horsetail - done a bit
    Deadheading - done some
    Cut back nettles in hedge - done some
    Water plants in greenhouse and check fence pots - done
    Harvest lettuce, cucumber, beans, tomatoes - done

    Tuesday jobs
    Weeding and horsetail
    Trim long bits of grass
    Check pots etc and water if needed
    Harvest tomatoes, beans, romanesco

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  • Penellype
    Weekend jobs

    At my friend's
    Check tomatoes and remove any dead/mouldy bits - done
    Weeding - done some
    Check self watering trays and fill if necessary - no
    Harvest tomatoes - no

    At allotment
    Collect rain water - done
    Check tomatoes for blight - done
    Weeding and horsetail - done some
    Plant out spinach - no
    Remove dead leaves from brassicas - done
    Trim long bits of grass if dry - no
    Check beans and harvest any ripe pods for drying - done
    Harvest lettuce, beans, tomatoes, courgettes, turnips, leek, check cucumbers - done except lettuce

    Also cut down the finished hollyhocks.

    At home
    Check tomatoes for blight - done
    Weeding - no
    Deadheading - no
    Remove finished calabrese - done
    Water plants in greenhouse and check pots on fence - done
    Harvest lettuce, salad leaves, microgreens, tomatoes, carrots - done tomatoes

    Also planted out some lettuces to replace the calabrese and sowed some saved french bean seeds I had put to chit to test viability.

    Monday jobs
    Check tomatoes for blight
    Check for wind damage
    Collect any rain water
    Weeding and horsetail
    Cut back nettles in hedge
    Water plants in greenhouse and check fence pots
    Harvest lettuce, cucumber, beans, tomatoes

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  • Penellype
    Friday jobs
    Check tomatoes for blight - done
    Remove finished peas - done
    Weeding and horsetail - done some
    Deadheading - no
    Take some buckets of used compost to allotment to top up beds - done
    Harvest tomatoes, beans, romanesco - done

    Also removed the lettuces that I had allowed to go to seed as I have enough seeds and potted up some lettuce seedlings.

    Weekend jobs

    At my friend's
    Check tomatoes and remove any dead/mouldy bits
    Check self watering trays and fill if necessary
    Harvest tomatoes

    At allotment
    Collect rain water
    Check tomatoes for blight
    Weeding and horsetail
    Plant out spinach
    Remove dead leaves from brassicas
    Trim long bits of grass if dry
    Check beans and harvest any ripe pods for drying
    Harvest lettuce, beans, tomatoes, courgettes, turnips, leek, check cucumbers

    At home
    Check tomatoes for blight
    Remove finished calabrese
    Water plants in greenhouse and check pots on fence
    Harvest lettuce, salad leaves, microgreens, tomatoes, carrots
    Last edited by Penellype; 23-09-2023, 08:23 AM.

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  • Penellype
    Managed to find time to put a cover over the melons last night, and cleared up the mess the council had made cutting the allotment hedge while I was there.

    Friday jobs
    Check tomatoes for blight
    Remove finished peas
    Weeding and horsetail
    Take some buckets of used compost to allotment to top up beds
    Harvest tomatoes, beans, romanesco

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  • Penellype
    Wednesday jobs
    Collect rain water - done
    Check tomatoes for blight - done
    Continue planning for next year - done some
    Harvest tomatoes, beans - done

    No gardening time tomorrow

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  • Penellype
    Tuesday jobs
    Collect rain water - done
    Check remaining tomatoes for blight - done
    Weeding and horsetail - no
    Deadheading - no
    Harvest tomatoes, beans - done

    Wednesday jobs (weather permitting)
    Collect rain water
    Check tomatoes for blight
    Continue planning for next year
    Harvest tomatoes, beans

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  • Penellype

    Monday jobs
    Collect rain water - done
    Slug hunt - done
    Remove blighted Garden Pearl and Sungold tomatoes at allotment - done
    Remove pest damaged leaves from leeks - done some
    Remove damaged courgettes in tunnel - done
    Move trays of strawberries to growhouse to protect from rain - done
    Weeding and horsetail - done some
    Deadheading - no
    Harvest tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, salad leaves, beetroot, beans, romanesco - done

    Tuesday jobs (weather permitting)
    Collect rain water
    Check remaining tomatoes for blight
    Weeding and horsetail
    Harvest tomatoes, beans

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  • Penellype
    Weekend jobs (weather permitting)

    At my friend's
    Weeding - done some
    Water greenhouse if necessary - done
    Harvest tomatoes - done

    At allotment
    Collect rain water - done
    Check tomatoes for blight - done, looks likely
    Weeding and horsetail - done some
    Trim long grass if dry enough - done some
    Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, beetroot, beans, courgettes, romanesco - done except romanesco, plus a couple of ripe strawberries

    Also managed to cut the grass.

    At home
    collect rain water - done
    Check tomatoes for blight - done
    Weeding - done some
    Deadheading - done some
    Remove finished tomato plant - no
    Harvest lettuce, salad leaves, microgreens, tomatoes - done

    Also mowed the lawns.

    Monday jobs (weather permitting)
    Collect rain water
    Slug hunt
    Remove blighted Garden Pearl and Sungold tomatoes at allotment
    Remove pest damaged leaves from leeks
    Remove damaged courgettes in tunnel
    Move trays of strawberries to growhouse to protect from rain
    Weeding and horsetail
    Harvest tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, salad leaves, beetroot, beans, romanesco

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