Friday jobs
Check allotment flood level - done
Open and shut covers - done
Weeding - no
Attempt to trim longest bits of grass - done a little (far too wet really)
Harvest lettuce, salad leaves, carrots, PSB - done
Weekend jobs (flooding and frost permitting
At my friend's
Plant onion sets (might wait until next week)
At allotment
Trim more long grass if possible
Harvest parsnip and possibly a few spinach leaves
At home
Pot up chitted tomato seeds
Put french beans to chit
Check greenhouse plants and water if required
Harvest carrots
Check allotment flood level - done
Open and shut covers - done
Weeding - no
Attempt to trim longest bits of grass - done a little (far too wet really)
Harvest lettuce, salad leaves, carrots, PSB - done
Weekend jobs (flooding and frost permitting
At my friend's
Plant onion sets (might wait until next week)
At allotment
Trim more long grass if possible
Harvest parsnip and possibly a few spinach leaves
At home
Pot up chitted tomato seeds
Put french beans to chit
Check greenhouse plants and water if required
Harvest carrots