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Lollo Rosso


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  • Lollo Rosso

    I have a problem, I have sown Lollo Rosso in a grow bag and a large tub.
    The seeds germinate produce two leaves and then disappear.
    There is no sign of slugs or snails and the grow bag is under a net.
    I have an irrigation system, so they are not dry.
    In the tub I have sown carrots in one half and Lollo Rosso in the other.
    The carrots are doing well, but not the Lollo Rosso.
    The grow bag was new and the tub fresh universal compost...
    Any ideas, please?

  • #2
    Slugs and snails tend to be nocturnal, especially in hot weather - cut some old veg like a potato or carrot in half, and pressed cut side down into the compost - then either nip out with a torch after dark, or check the old veg next morning - any damage ought to allow you to identify the offenders (mice are another [possible)


    • #3
      It's almost certainly slugs or snails. Don't assume that they will always leave a slime trail; they very often don't.


      • #4
        how damp is the soil in the grow bags? if there is no sign of slugs/snails then I reckon your lollo rosso might be suffering from damping off


        • #5
          I have found woodlice biting through the stems of seedlings causing the plants to fall over and die. Slug pellets will make the slugs dump all there slime and die so revealing there presence. I put a cover over to stop wild animals picking the dead slugs up for a few days and then top dress the soil to cover any remaining pellets when I remove the cover.
          Near Worksop on heavy clay soil


          • #6
            Torch....nocturnal surveillance perhaps?
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              You could sow a few seeds in a small plantpot on a windowsill and plant them out when they have more leaves on.


              • #8
                I sow mine as cut and come again in plastic trays you get grapes or tomatoes in.
                Northern England.


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