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How are everyone's squashes doing?


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  • How are everyone's squashes doing?

    Inspired by the potato topic, I thought I'd make this one.
    It may be a little early yet, but mine are doing well so I thought I'd boast a little, too.

    Here are my plants. There are three pink banana and three galeaux d'eyssines in the ground, and one pink banana and one marina di chioggia in the compost bin.

    And the two squash (pink banana) which have pollinated so far. The largest is about 6 inches long.

  • #2
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ID:	2501298 I have harvested three six inch marrows that set before a decent amount of male flowers had appeared. Turkish Turban squashes are doing well and beginning to swell. They are an autumn harvest. Butternuts have all there flower buds tightly closed.
    The bed is over the top of a clay walled mound of horse manure covering and sealing in about 8 barrow loads of weed roots that were pulled up over winter after taking on my plot last December.
    I added a layer of top soil to get them started and to allow them to choose there own level of fertilizer.
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    Near Worksop on heavy clay soil


    • #3
      I thought mine were doing well (I've never had them grow so big so soon, or produce so many female flowers so soon), but yours are even further ahead, if anything.

      I've been having to prune mine to keep them in check, as I only want them to grow down the plot, over the grassy area and between the trees, not up the plot. If I leave them be, they'll smother the sweet potatoes.


      • #4
        They had at least some bottom heat when there was a late frost from the manure when we had that late frost.
        They have had to be lashed down due to the amount of wind we have had.
        Near Worksop on heavy clay soil


        • #5
          Mine are in the greenhouse but are still slow so far.


          • #6
            Yep - got some fruit forming on some of mine. I got the plant from a neighbour so not totally sure what variety they are. Had a couple of courgettes so far and have a couple of tiny cucumbers forming if i lump then in under the "squash" heading!


            • #7
              Picked first courgette this weekend - the onslaught begins! I had to peg down my Midnights as the dreadful wind was picking the plants up. I am trying two sets up an incline (not quite a climbing frame: a trellis cut in half and made into an "A" frame) to see if it helps my Romanescos from rampaging too much.

              First Uchiki Kuri squash showing on my tripods - they are starting to zoom now! I tied them in as well, just in case the wind tried it on with them.

              But I lost my cukes in May when it unexpectedly went down to 2C - new plants coming along but not fast enough for me. Come on guys, get going now! You are letting down the other cucurbits.


              • #8
                I only planted mine out 2 weeks ago and they haven't taken off yet. Hopefully this will be the week they start racing away. I'm growing Potimarron, Autumn Crown and Sweet Dumpling.
                Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


                • #9
                  Mine are slowly, slowly, but I'm hopeful. I've got Anna Schwartz, Connecticut Field, Uchiki Kuri, Rocket, Queensland Blue and a few courgettes.

                  I've had flowers on the first Anna to be planted out, but nothing set yet - haven't managed to get a male and a female flower at the same time yet!

                  I'm afraid this weather isn't helpful - just as they get a boost from a warm patch, they get battered by low temps and high winds following. I think they keep getting checked.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 1Bee View Post
                    haven't managed to get a male and a female flower at the same time yet!.
                    You can cut the male flowers then store them in the fridge until the female flower opens.


                    • #11
                      I have had to lash mine down almost every year due to the wind.
                      I was much more thorough this year as they are in a raised bed. I have lost a couple of leaves to the wind.
                      We need to get rid of the cold for the butternuts to catch up.
                      Near Worksop on heavy clay soil


                      • #12
                        I have two Uchi Kuri squash growing outdoors.
                        They are growing up a south facing wall.
                        lLots of flowers and small squash on the plants.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • #13
                          Some are doing better than others, have 3 Lakota, 1 plant has 4 fruits, 1 has 2 fruits and the other is looking sad with no fruits
                          Last edited by Jonny.D; 30-06-2020, 02:28 PM.


                          • #14
                            Mine are starting to take off in the polytunnel, but still a bit slow outdoors. More worryingly though, some of the outdoor plans have gone quite yellow. Something I keep meaning to look up but haven't quite got round to yet! This thread has inspired me though so I'll be looking into it this evening....


                            • #15
                              Nitrogen deficiency?


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