I have a bed of egyptian walking onions, which I harvest for the stems, little bulblets, and at some point the larger bottom onion.
I happened across something called a tree onion, whilst passing a nursery on a walk yesterday and the top bulblet looked totally different to mine. Mine look just like what you see if you google 'egyptian walking onion' -purple skinned and small. This other tree onion had a brown skinned bulblet which was much bigger - about the size of a silverskin pickled onion, and it was a bit more of a squat shape.
Can anyone tell me whether I saw an abnormal walking onion or whether this might be a potentially superior type of bigger bulblet tree onion?
I think I might need to retrace my steps to this nursery and get me one...
I happened across something called a tree onion, whilst passing a nursery on a walk yesterday and the top bulblet looked totally different to mine. Mine look just like what you see if you google 'egyptian walking onion' -purple skinned and small. This other tree onion had a brown skinned bulblet which was much bigger - about the size of a silverskin pickled onion, and it was a bit more of a squat shape.
Can anyone tell me whether I saw an abnormal walking onion or whether this might be a potentially superior type of bigger bulblet tree onion?
I think I might need to retrace my steps to this nursery and get me one...