Bit of an odd one here, we've got a large courgette that has sat on the windowsill for a few weeks. When we cut into it, the skin was very hard and the flesh quite yellowy and firm, much like a butternut squash. The seeds are also hard and squash-like. Tastes nice enough, but I've never seen a courgette do that before. Anyone else?
It's either a black beauty (Mr Fothergill) or a greenbush (Thompson and Morgan), but I've had courgette off that plant before that have been entirely normal.
Bit of an odd one here, we've got a large courgette that has sat on the windowsill for a few weeks. When we cut into it, the skin was very hard and the flesh quite yellowy and firm, much like a butternut squash. The seeds are also hard and squash-like. Tastes nice enough, but I've never seen a courgette do that before. Anyone else?
It's either a black beauty (Mr Fothergill) or a greenbush (Thompson and Morgan), but I've had courgette off that plant before that have been entirely normal.