Sorry I can’t help ameno. Never overwintered chillis
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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2021
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Originally posted by Jungle Jane View Post
When you over wintered the plant did you reduce the growth,give it a prune? I know that if you cut the roots you should reduce the plant growth to compensate,so if the plant was pruned those roots wouldn’t have been needed or being used? So naturally died from not being needed? Then as the plant grows the roots will expand too,it seems normal to me.
The others were pot raised anyway, so they were left unpruned. The root die-back has affected all of them, not just the pruned ones, although the plants seem to be growing regardless, so hopefully it's nothing to worry about, and it will grow new roots as the summer goes on.
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Originally posted by Bren In Pots View PostMy over-wintered Orange Hab has tiny budsspotted them this afternoon.
One of my overwintered sweet peppers seems to be growing lots of cluster fruit. The flower looks normal, but larger than normal, and then when the petals fall off it leaves a normal-looking central fruit with 6-10 tiny fruits surrounding it, like a crown.
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Originally posted by Ms-T View Postameno , any chance of a photo , that sounds interesting ,
I know peppers can be quite prone to internal proliferation (whereby they grow a tiny fruit within the cavity of the main fruit), so this may be something related, probably triggered by the stress of being overwintered.
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I over wintered a habanero, Trinidad perfume, aji limon, jalapeño and biquino. All have had ripe fruit now and are pretty healthy although the jalepeno doesn’t look so happy about it as the rest. I tried to over winter a charapita but that didn’t make it.Follow my grow and cook your own blog
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Originally posted by ameno View Post
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Originally posted by stigs View Post
I have Royal Blacks that do that, the original plant and any of it's offspring so I guess it's genetic, I mostly throw the small bits away when the fruit are ripe, apart from that they grow away happily.
Feels like my chillis are behind where I’d want them to be. Only a few have flowers or fruit. They seem to be growing up straight and taller, just wondering whether I should pinch out the tips to see if that helps? They are scotch bonnet and cayenne.
Strange question but has anyone ever grown padrons outside? I'm on a multi year quest to grow mild padrons and I've tried 3 different seed suppliers over the last 3 years. Picked the first bunch of my latest attempt yesterday... Mostly spicy again! I love spicy peppers but I want mild padrons. The odd hot one fine, like you get them in a Spanish restaurant. I've picked them tiny, medium, large. If anything they are more mild when big and ripe. So it's gotta be environment. Perhaps my tunnel is too hot/dry. Apparently where they are grown in Spain is the wettest region in Spain up in the north west. But it's not really wet even in the north of Spain in summer. And it's hot too. I climb there in October and it's usually hot and dry.
Bit too late possibly for an experiment this year but wondering if anyone has had any luck with mild padrons and were they grown outside?Last edited by SimpleSimon; 13-07-2021, 07:30 PM.
I don't know about Padrons, but I grow all my peppers outside where I am, including mild chillies (don't like hot ones), and they all do pretty well.
I grow them in the ground at the allotment, through black plastic in a very sunny spot (they get full sun for about 90% of the day), and also in pots of manure/soil mix on my patio (there they only get full sun for about 60% of the day, but if anything they do even better than the allotment ones. I think it must be the potting mix).
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