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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2021


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  • #31
    Originally posted by Ms-T View Post
    Stigs ...yell if you want a search party to come and find you , if that lot grows...and i hope they do....hee do you want me to do another chilli swap this
    That's me being conservative and if one fails I'll replace it with depending on the mood: the same or something completely different, and I can't get enough of variety so I'm always up for a chilli swap.

    forgot to add Thanks to everyone in the swap
    Last edited by stigs; 21-01-2021, 03:08 PM.


    • #32
      One of the 7 pot brain strain ,as just popped up.


      • #33
        I lost all my plants in the greenhouse over winter, forgot to bring them inside during the cold spells.
        Started new ones a couple weeks ago in the grow tent.
        Hot Thai
        Scotch bonnet
        7 Pot Bubblegum

        Growing them for my wife, not for myself, as I can't stand spicy food


        • #34
          Sowed my chillis in the propogator today and got my new grow lights set up for them. Not growing anything exciting this year but hoping for a good crop of scotch bonnets, cayenne and lemon drop. Last year was ok but summer want great here so not as big a crop as I was hoping for. Do enjoy growing chillis though.


          • #35
            While nosing around yesterday, I noticed that Moles Seeds are now offering a grafting rootstock seed specifically for chillies and peppers. Unfortunately, at the moment they are a bit snowed under due to Covid related issues.
            Location:- Rugby, Warwckshire on Limy clay (within sight of the Cement factory)


            • #36
              Originally posted by SimpleSimon View Post
              Against my own advice Ive just ordered more seeds from fatalii seeds in Finland. I'm hoping brexit doesn't spanner their delivery. Defo looking forward to the Antep Aci Dolma. It's a spicy bell pepper by all accounts so sounds great...
              If anyone fancies a seedling swap of any of these in a month or so let me know. Im gonna sow all the seeds but gonna end up with quite a few spares I'd imagine. Hainan yellow lantern looks lovely and prolific too.
              Hi Simon, the Turkish Antep Aci Dolma sound interesting, not sure when I'll get around to sowing our aubs/chillies as I don't do that many any more. Perhaps have some Jalapeno M and I've some self-saved Poblano? If you've spare (have they arrived?) would be interested in a swap.

              To see a world in a grain of sand
              And a heaven in a wild flower


              • #37
                Got my chillies germinated first the year. Only growing Red Habs and Thai chillies this year to up volume.

                Took last years out of the freezer a couple of weeks ago and made a pepper mash, going to make a habanero sriacha this week


                • #38
                  Sowed my chillis in the propagator last weekend and first are coming through. Just going scotch bonnet, cayenne and lemon drop this year. Looking forward to seeing how my new grow lights work with the chilli seedlings.


                  • #39
                    Scotch bonnets have come through 5 /6 but no sign of the others. That has been 10 days. The cayenne was fresh seed and the lemon drop a year or so. Might leave til weekend and if nothing appears resow.


                    • #40
                      My lemon drop was new this year , and its been in longer then yours and still a no show ..will sow again at weekend too.


                      • #41
                        I've had no germination from any of the scotch bonnets and hot thai seeds, will have to sow a new batch.
                        7 Pot bubblegum, habaneros and cayenne all romping away. Turning into stocky lush green plants so the growlight is working its magic


                        • #42
                          All 4 lemon drops and 4 Macchu Pichu are up. Only 2 out of the 4 Hungarian hot wax have germinated so far, but 10 chillies are probably more than enough for me.
                          Location: London


                          • #43
                            From 29th of January
                            2 out of 2 Carolina Reaper
                            1 out of 2 Yellow 7 Pot
                            2 out of 2 Lemon Drop
                            No Cayenne
                            No sweet pepers

                            From 3rd of February
                            no Jalapeño

                            I re-sowed the Cayenne, Yellow 7 Pot and sweet peppers today

                            The heated propagator is wrapped up in thick bubblewrap because it can't keep up with the cold in the greenhouse otherwise...
                            Last edited by Mark Rand; 11-02-2021, 01:17 PM.
                            Location:- Rugby, Warwckshire on Limy clay (within sight of the Cement factory)


                            • #44
                              Thought i would try some old seeds i had saved 2016.
                              Aci Sivri.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	P1000867 (2).JPG
Views:	314
Size:	295.2 KB
ID:	2517755
                              i counted over 16. so doing better then the ones i got this year.


                              • #45
                                Germinated so far I have :-

                                after 19 days
                                Demon Red

                                after 21 days
                                Komodo Dragon
                                Aji Cristal

                                after 23 days
                                Alberto Locoto

                                after 26 days

                                I'm hoping that the fact they got no attention for 3 days and dried out hasn't affected all the rest.


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