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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2021


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  • #16
    I'm still harvesting from the greenhouse this was today, I took everything that looked edible as it went below zero 2 days ago, saying that there are still 5 or 6 plants that look like they may carry on regardless.
    Attached Files


    • #17
      Overwintered 6, 3 survived and are pushing out small shoots.

      Will be starting my seeds at then end of January

      Aji Fanstasy
      Bhut Jolokia
      Big Black Mama
      Carolina Reaper Chocolate
      Chocolate Mourga
      Chocolate Skunk
      Corbaci Sweet Pepper
      FrigiTello - x2 Possibly
      Habanero Orange
      Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion
      Komodo Dragon
      Manzano Rocoto
      Naga Chocolate
      Naga Dorset
      Naga Peach
      Naga Yellow blaze
      Sugar Rush peach
      Trinidad Peach Moruga
      White Ghost


      • #18
        Against my own advice Ive just ordered more seeds from fatalii seeds in Finland. I'm hoping brexit doesn't spanner their delivery. Defo looking forward to the Antep Aci Dolma. It's a spicy bell pepper by all accounts so sounds great.

        Aji Fantasy
        Antep Aci Dolma
        CAP 270
        Hainan Yellow Lantern
        Sugar Rush, Long Peach

        If anyone fancies a seedling swap of any of these in a month or so let me know. Im gonna sow all the seeds but gonna end up with quite a few spares I'd imagine. Hainan yellow lantern looks lovely and prolific too.


        • #19
          ^^^I hope you get your seeds.


          Chinese dragon tongue.

          The first ones to pop their heads up are
          Tam Jalapeno

          both under lights now.


          • #20
            Alberto locoto rocoto , I had sown mine before new year as none of mine flowered last year and had no seeds left for this year, so ordered more and ready for this year! Also just sown dragons tongue. Any recommendations for more?


            • #21
              MissPea grow what you like the taste off....lemon drop are nice.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Ms-T View Post
                MissPea grow what you like the taste off....lemon drop are nice.
                Lemon drop is an odd one for me. Everybody I know absolutely loves them but I can't stand them. It's unbelievably prolific tho and I grow 1 or 2 every year and just give all the peppers away. Keeps everyone I know happy and I can keep all the nice ones for myself. I did make some spice mix with it which I'm finding quite nice. I think drying them leaves the slight lemon flavour but gets rid of that big perfume punch I don't like.


                • #23
                  I planted a cayenne or two as an experiment today. Going to sow again in a few weeks.


                  • #24
                    I have 6" Hot Green Curry" plants from last year, will they carry on cropping and how long do chili plants live?
                    I love eating them but know very little about them, any advice would be welcome.
                    Eat well, live well, drink moderately and be happy (hic!)


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by SimpleSimon View Post
                      Against my own advice Ive just ordered more seeds from fatalii seeds in Finland. I'm hoping brexit doesn't spanner their delivery. Defo looking forward to the Antep Aci Dolma. It's a spicy bell pepper by all accounts so sounds great.

                      Aji Fantasy
                      Antep Aci Dolma
                      CAP 270
                      Hainan Yellow Lantern
                      Sugar Rush, Long Peach

                      If anyone fancies a seedling swap of any of these in a month or so let me know. Im gonna sow all the seeds but gonna end up with quite a few spares I'd imagine. Hainan yellow lantern looks lovely and prolific too.
                      If you were interested in a Machu Pichu chilli then I'd be happy for a trade for one of those there spicy pepper things, although it's probably not very exciting.
                      Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made
                      By singing-'Oh how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade,
                      While better men than we go out and start their working lives
                      At grubbing weeds from gravel paths with broken dinner-knives. ~ Rudyard Kipling


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by ohbeary View Post
                        I have 6" Hot Green Curry" plants from last year, will they carry on cropping and how long do chili plants live?
                        I love eating them but know very little about them, any advice would be welcome.
                        They're short-lived perennials (although they're usually grown as annuals). If you can get them through the winter, and if you repot them in the spring and keep them well fed through the growing season, then they might last 4-5 years. Cropping tends to drop off from the third year onward, though, so it may be best just to over-winter them once and then chuck them at the end of the second year.

                        They won't carry on cropping through the winter itself, and indeed if they try to flower you should remove the buds as there isn't enough light this time of year, but they should start cropping again once things warm up, and give you a head start of up to 2 months or so on plants sown this year.


                        • #27
                          Got one Yellow 7 Pot from last year in the (currently) unheated greenhouse that's starting to shoot. Haven't even bothered to prune it or pick of the remaining fruits, although they've just about finished ripening over the winter! Not sure if any others will survive. trouble is that there was some RSM on them last year and I'm really not happy about keeping them in with other plants this year. I might just take a chance with any survivors in the dining room. I'm sure herself won't mind .

                          I wasn't all that impressed with the Cayenne types I had last year (tough and chewy) so I won't bother with any again. I'll stick to the Yellow 7 Pot, Carolina reaper and Lemondrops from last year, plus some jalapeño to have with salads.
                          Location:- Rugby, Warwckshire on Limy clay (within sight of the Cement factory)


                          • #28
                            That's the hardest decision of the year made I'll start with this and see how they go

                            Mayan Black (Annuum)
                            Orange Hab (swap)
                            Aji Pacay
                            Orange Hab (mine)
                            7 Pot Brain Strain
                            My Red Hot Lemon
                            My Peter Pepper
                            Lemon Drop ( not isolated )
                            Naga Jolokia
                            Orange Scotch bonnet
                            Lime Fresno
                            Alberto Locoto
                            Peter Pepper
                            Komodo Dragon
                            Aji Crystal ( not isolated )
                            Mystery Mix Pack 3
                            Pyramid Cluster
                            Demon Red
                            Hot Banana
                            Nigel's Outdoor
                            Mystery Mix Pack 2
                            Fish ( not isolated )
                            Tricolour Variegata ( not isolated )
                            Oscar ( not isolated )
                            Black Hungarian ( not isolated )
                            Yellow (unknown)
                            Mystery Mix Pack1
                            My Good Conical
                            Orange Cayenne
                            Peruvian Purple
                            Pimenta De Neyde
                            Pimenta De Neyde ( not isolated )

                            Over Wintered
                            Yellow/Orange Reaper
                            Botinecka Zuta
                            Aji Cristal
                            Royal Black ( never left grow room kept going)
                            Black Hungarian
                            P Pepper
                            Unknown cream/violet birds eye ( nearly ripe fruit )
                            Bulgarian Carrot
                            Bishops Crown ( No fruit this year )
                            Red Ecuador Devil's Breath ( nearly ripe fruit )
                            Baileys Pequin ( No fruit this year )
                            My Red Hot Lemon
                            Sweet Boneta ( No fruit this year )


                            • #29
                              ^ Wow! You're a keen chilli grower.


                              • #30
                                Stigs ...yell if you want a search party to come and find you , if that lot grows...and i hope they do....hee do you want me to do another chilli swap this


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