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What I did today 2021


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  • annie8
    Planted out cavolo Nero, courgettes, onion squash and crown Prince. Earthed up potatoes. Fed tomatoes and strawberries.

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  • Bren In Pots
    Planted some Basil in the GH border, other than that just some weeding.

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  • ameno
    Planted out 6 Black Doulting runner beans in the big tubs behind the shed.
    Also potted up the last two sprouted Spagna Bianco runner beans.
    That's all I could manage in between the rain.

    Also tipped out the two trays in which I was sprouting two of last year's sweet potatoes today. I've rooted and potted up 14 cuttings from them so far, and took another six from them today. And the sweet potatoes themselves were still perfectly edible (we had them today with the roast dinner).
    I only need 11 plants myself, so I shall have to give some of the rest away.

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  • Purple Primrose
    Busy weekend. Did lots of weeding. Sowed spinach, lettuce and komatsuna. Planted out broad beans, peas, mangetout, leeks and some onions grown from seed.Took various other things out of the cold frames to finish hardening off. Put calendula, various stonecrops and more sweet peas into a cold frame to begin hardening off.

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  • Mr Bones
    Received the call an hour ago so nipped out quick on the rabbit poo run (just got back). 11 big bags ready to start composting tomorrow

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  • Mr Bones
    Planted up the lotty tunnel with toms, aubs, peppers, chillies and French marigolds - all of which have been out in the greenhouse for a week or so.

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  • ameno
    Finished tying strings to my metal runner bean frame.
    Planted out my first lot of runner beans (26 plants).
    The strimmer man came again today, so I went around raking up grass to use as a mulch.
    Potted up a few more sprouted runner bean seeds.
    Also put my achocha plants out on the patio to harden off, as they now seem to be growing an inch or more a day.

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  • Bren In Pots
    Potted on courgettes, cucs and aubergines then planted Marigolds in to my GH border.

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  • Mr Bones
    Turned the compost then cultivated my social skills while Mrs. B planted out 40 celeriac. Then gave her a hand to net them from foxes and blackbirds.
    Last edited by Mr Bones; 14-05-2021, 01:19 PM. Reason: Spellin

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  • Bren In Pots
    Planted my Toms into my GH border and covered them with fleece for the night.

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  • Containergardener
    Potted on some more flowering plants
    Trained clematis that's in a pot up twigs
    Intended to do some planting out and weeding but rain stopped play

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  • Mark Rand
    Put some marigold seedlings outside to harden off. The slugs and snails in the garden are looking forward to them.

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  • ameno
    Potted on today, in the rain:
    I potted up four sweet potato cuttings and some sprouted Black Magic kale seeds.
    Potted my basil seedlings into their final pots.
    Repotted my tiny clivias.
    Potted on two of the pepper plants (the others seem like they should be fine in their current pots until planting time).
    Potted my Chilean glory vine into a biggish pot.

    Also put some more runner beans out onto the patio to harden off. If the weather holds, I shall probably plant out the previous lot tomorrow.

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  • bramble
    Planted out some more dahlias.
    Potted on more tomatoes.
    Did some weeding.
    Waiting for the rain to stop.

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  • Mr Bones
    Yesterday, sat in the lotty shed for over an hour while it bucketed down and was just locking up to come home when the site had a large delivery of green conifer chippings. Grabbed myself a trailer full and stacked it on the plot to use in compost.

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