Rosemary and bay cuttings having drastically cut back the shrubs
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What I did today 2021
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Planted out another squash plant, and my remaining two watermelons, along with half a dozen dwarf french beans.
Weeded the carrot and beetroot bed.
Weeded some horsetail and bindweed from other veg beds.
Planted out the last two overwintered pepper plants.
Planted out my two grape cuttings I took in January. They both have decent roots and strong sprouts now.
Planted 50 or so sprouted chickpeas. Thought I'd give them a go.
Repotted some cape gooseberry plants.
Transplanted some spring onion seedlings, and then sowed some more in the seedtray they came from.
Sowed another big tub of carrots.
Sowed some more dill.
Potted up my second cucumber in its final tub.
I sowed a big tub of carrots yesterday& planted the sweetcorn (ovation variety). Put some BFB around then covered with some old compost. The corns planted right next to the runner bean plant that’s appeared from last years plant,I’ll put teepees up soon & plant the other runners in that area when they’ve grown a bit more.
Location : Essex
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Spent the best part of the day digging, raking and clearing out stones and dead wood from the top of the garden at my sons house.
It was hard work especially as it was so hot. It was well worth the effort as it looks so much better.
Hoping to get grass in sometime before autumn.e
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Planted out my four Australian Butter squashes and my last Red Warty Thing squash.
Planted out my last melon plant.
Planted out the last of my french beans.
Sowed another row of carrots and of beetroot.
Cut the long grass at the bottom of my plot.
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Earlier I was cutting back an invasive vine on mums archway. When I got home I sowed two lots of lettuce some in the green little trug & some on the soil near tomatoes & borage,also planted out two honey bear squash,one with the borage & one in the sweetcorn block. When I plant tomatoes I leave the pot next to the plant with the variety name on so I can make a note of where they are,I just lifted one up (next to a geranium that’s been nibbled) there was two snails & a slug hiding in there. One of the marigolds is nearly eaten all up,I can see where there’s snail activity I’ll do a slug/snail hunt tonightLocation : Essex
Just planted out four Cyril’s choice tomato plants with three French marigolds in the area where my dahlias aren’t growing this year. Both lots of Pom Pom dahlias aren’t growing so they must’ve had a bad winters cold. Ants are farming aphids like mad on the pear tree instead. Potted up two sweet peppers & a pot of black cherry tomato with French marigold & geranium. These geraniums on the seed packet show either red,pink or white flowers,I’m guessing the ones with red in their leaves are red or pink,the ones with plain green leaves must be white maybe? I don’t want to accidentally plant a red & white one in the same pot?Location : Essex
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Over the last few days I've finally got round to planting my beans, peas, cucumbers, aubergines, peppers, chillies, cucamelons, sweet peas and now starting on my bedding.
Still have a huge tray of climbers that are all tangled up and need untwiddling and behind!!Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result
Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins
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