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What I did today 2021


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  • Painted the outside of the big summer house this morning with Creocote, just the corner one to do before the rains arrive on Thursday(allegedly).


    • Yesterday on the allotment site - cut back a 200ft run of hawthorn hedge (with hand shears) to a height of 6.5ft. Ache a bit today..
      Location ... Nottingham


      • Over the weekend, cleared 3 beds. 2 of them were brassicas, found some bonus broccoli. I forgot to take the netting, so they were minging with greyfly. Hosed them off before clearing.
        Planted out tomatoes, courgettes and NZ Yam, put bean poles by the beans that were growing, put some compost down on one bed.

        Watered lots (I have a big blue drum in the plot, I filled it on Sunday morning, by end of day, I was 3/4 empty with the watering can.


        • A few small jobs today. Tied in the new loganberry stems, mulched the tomatoes with comfrey leaves, and set up a short trellis for the sweet potatoes.

          Also noticed I have two melons forming already, both around golf-ball sized at the moment.


          • Planted a couple of cucs and and aubergines in the GH then put the spare aubergine outdoors.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Rigged up a sort of mini, open-ended polytunnel over my sweet potatoes, using some arcs of blue water pipe and a big sheet of clear plastic I had lying around (I think some trees came in it originally).
              Not sure how long the plastic will last, and is may not be very UV resistant, but it should do for this year, at least.
              It should be effective, though. I had to crawl into it in order to erect some more props in the middle of it, and I was already baking inside the thing, and it had only been up for 5 minutes.
              Also pruned the akebia.
              Last edited by ameno; 15-06-2021, 05:56 PM.


              • Finally got around to fixing the shading to my GH that should make it cooler in there and help my cucs, then I stopped my tall Telephone peas they've reach the top of the frame.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • Popped up a couple of arches. When you run out of horizonal space, reach to the sky!
                  Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                  Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                  Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


                  • Planted out some lettuce earlier, then once the rain started headed into the GH and potted on more lettuce into modules and buckets.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Planted out my gutter of mangetout peas.
                      Did a lot of weeding. Ended up with four buckets stuffed full with weeds.
                      Went around squashed blackfly and asparagus beetle larvae.

                      Also covered my two developing melons with drawstring mesh bags. I bought them in the winter to protect the melons from slugs and the grapes from vermin.
                      The two melons are growing fast; their tennis ball sized now. And I think a few more are developing. Certainly, there's no shortage of female flowers. I counted over a dozen open female flowers on 5 plants today.


                      • Planted out the leeks, and discovered some blackfly on the beans so will go out later to wash them off with washing up liquid
                        Location: London


                        • The rabbit man phoned yesterday to say he had ten more bags of poo for collection. The rabbits must have a lot of young at the moment as it was only six days since we'd picked up 16 bags. Mixed it all together in onto one big batch but missed out the wood chips for the second lot as the pile would be getting too big to turn easily in the 8x4 bay.
                          Location ... Nottingham


                          • Harvested the last of the overwintering broad beans, planted out leeks and uncovered maincrop onions. The onion cover had been in place - undisturbed - since the second week in April and although it's a 5m x 1m bed only four weeds had grown in all that time (two weeds and two poppies) ... got to love no-dig gardening..
                            Last edited by Mr Bones; 22-06-2021, 03:04 PM.
                            Location ... Nottingham


                            • Potted on lettuce and planted out chard and perpetual spinach.
                              Sown some radishes and tied in toms and cucs.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Originally posted by Mr Bones View Post
                                Yesterday on the allotment site - cut back a 200ft run of hawthorn hedge (with hand shears) to a height of 6.5ft. Ache a bit today..

                                (A post needs ten characters so here they are)
                                I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


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