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What I did today 2021


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  • Bren In Pots
    Potted up Chard moved other seedling around then weeded and dug up dandelions.

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  • annie8
    Weeded the front path. Potted on my Alisa Craig tomatoes and sowed some more sweetcorn. Germination hasn’t been good this year.

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  • Purple Primrose
    Planted out shallots and transplanted some strawberries.

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  • Containergardener
    Sowed basil seeds

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  • annie8
    Planted out spring onions, mizuna and leeks.

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  • StephenH
    Sowed climbing bean 'Blue Lake' and Runner bean 'Scarlet Emperor' (12 of each) in fibre pots. I'll have to buy some long bamboo poles to grow them up.

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  • ameno
    Pulled out the purple sprouting broccoli and brought it home to shred it. Started digging over the patch where it was.

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  • Purple Primrose
    Some lovely, healthy asparagus crowns arrived today. I thought I'd ordered 10 but it turns out I ordered 15. Robinson's/mammothonion also very kindly sent me 3 extras. Since I received 18 crowns instead of the 10 I was expecting, I had to create another asparagus bed before getting them all put in it. What a lovely 'problem'! Luckily I hadn't yet transplanted any strawberries into the empty bed next to the asparagus so I just put the unexpected crowns in there.

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  • Mr Bones
    Turned the compost, took down wind breaks and secured further against the allium miner which no doubt will be visiting soon.

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  • annie8
    Planted out my peas, some land cress and a new rhubarb.

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  • Purple Primrose
    Spent a couple of hours removing all traces of couch grass from the bed I intend planting asparagus crowns in. Having gone over it in the autumn, I thought it was couch grass free but some more wiry roots had made their way in there.

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  • ameno
    Potted up my five rooted sweet potato cuttings, and then took three more and put them in water.

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  • Bren In Pots
    Planted out mixed lettuce and perpetual spinach that I'd sown in newspaper pots.

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  • Mr Bones
    Planted out perpetual spinach and cultivated my social skills.. (socially distanced of course)

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  • StephenH
    Bought a new oscillating sprinkler hose attachment from Wilco today - I used to have one, but it got bust. Ideal for a veg pot, as it covers a rectangular area. I set it up and watered the plot for an hour or so, because we haven't had significant rain for some time. The plot is now thoroughly drenched.
    I hope the weather warms up soon - my apple trees are on the verge of opening their blossom, and I want warm weather to encourage the bees and other pollenating insects.

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