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What I did today 2021


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  • Mr Bones
    Took the climbing French beans down and chopped them into the compost heap.

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  • ameno
    Pruned the last plum tree.

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  • peanut
    Watered all the veg beds. Can't remember when we last had decent rainfall
    Picked lots of tomatoes
    Wanted to do more but too busy with other things

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  • annie8
    Lifted my main crop potatoes (kerrs pinks), dried them then put in a clamp. Got 11kg from 11 plants. Also put my earlies in clamp.

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  • Bren In Pots
    Potted up winter lettuce some into modules the rest into buckets.

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  • annie8
    Cleared the strawberry bed of the leeks and spring onions I had put there because I had nowhere else. Trimmed more leaves off the tomatoes in the greenhouse. Put some plants that are for the front garden into the one of the veg raised beds. I am. It ready to put them in the right place yet until as still full of annuals.

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  • peanut
    Had a quick nip down the garden to try and prioritize, in my head, all the jobs that need doing when I next get a minute and was amazed at how much growth my poor neglected brassicas have put on.
    I am very impressed with their survival instinct!

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  • ameno
    Did a whole load of shredding today. Now I have a huge sack of shreddings to take up the allotment.

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  • ameno
    Bagged some more bunches of grapes, and removed a load of leaves to allow more light to the fruit.
    Cut out the fruited loganberry stems, and tried to tie in the new ones. Easier said than done as they are some 9 feet long

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  • Mr Bones
    Picked up four bags of horse manure, hoiked two week old compost batch from the wooden bay into the tin bay (tin bay is piled high and looking very full, ready for autumn use) and turned latest batch of compost from one end of the wooden bay to the now empty end (new batch was only started two days ago but is really steaming nicely).

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  • Bren In Pots
    Oven roasted lots of Black Cherry toms.

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  • ameno
    Cleared the dead Collective Farm Woman melon plants, cut back the geranium, put some of my grape bunches in mesh bags as they are starting to ripen, watered and fed most of the stuff at the allotment.

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  • Mr Bones
    Checked the spuds over for damage etc. and bagged them up.

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  • Bren In Pots
    Picked what I think is the last of my Telephone peas the rest will stay on to finish of drying for next years seeds. Deadheaded and pulled out some bolted lettuce and spinach.

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  • ameno
    Fed and watered the peppers and squash.

    Dug over the area where the onions were, dug in some manure and poultry manure, and planted my purple sprouting broccoli plants.

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