We have chilli for dinner on christmas day, along with pancakes, popcorn and of course beetroot choccie cakes [don't tell the little one they've got beetroot in *snigger*]...but we will be taking parsnip, carrots, swede, cabbage, leeks, [currently frozen] sliced beans down to Wales on boxing day for my brother to work his magic on.
No announcement yet.
How are your xmas veg doing?
Reading about goats has made me go all soppy. I miss mine, and the hens etc since I downsized to the town.
Still, I have the allotment and thinking about what I'll have to harvest for Christmas makes me realise the year hasn't been such a disaster after all. Late sowings of carrots came to grief but there'll be celery (protected by cloches at the mo.), leeks, fartichokes, salad greens, kale, sprouts, seakale and perpetual spinach, parsnips and swedes. From store - squash, onions, spuds and garlic. Summer stuff in the freezer too. Yippee!
I don't eat meat really so, with a bit of a nut roast or something, that's the main ingredients of Christmas dinner. Just remembered, I have chestnuts, gathered last year, in the freezer so guess I might do something with them.
Must confess I'm only beginning to realise that Christmas is on the way. Should have been alerted by the glitz and glitter that started to appear in the shops in Aug. but my brain mercifully blanks it out.
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