WHile I was having a look on t'inerweb for various plants etc I came acros Jamesons website - theyre mainly seed potato seller but their catalog is a really useful source of info. infact they have quite a lot of info on there may be of interest to newer gardeners
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Potato info ...
They are who I always get my potatoes from. Excellent varieties, quality and service.Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result
Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins
Originally posted by nick the grief View PostWHile I was having a look on t'inerweb for various plants etc I came acros Jamesons website - theyre mainly seed potato seller but their catalog is a really useful source of info. infact they have quite a lot of info on there may be of interest to newer gardenersI can't find anywhere that has them in stock, it was the same last year.
Originally posted by RedRuth View Post
No Lady CristlI can't find anywhere that has them in stock, it was the same last year.
You could contact Mejers (sp?) I think they're the breeders they may be able to tell you.
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