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What I did today 2022


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  • #91
    Reinstalled the automatic vent opener in the greenhouse. Summer is coming!
    I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


    • #92
      Potted on tomatoes, planted module sown lettuce into troughs. Started chatting parsnips in take out boxes.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • #93
        Sowed some radish seeds.
        Finished mulching my fruit bushes and trees.
        Another plot holder who lives just next door to the allotments offered me half a dumpy bag of wood chip and a bin half full of chicken poo, so I dragged them both down to my plot and mixed the chicken manure in with the wood chip. By next year it should be a decent mulch for my fruit bushes and such.
        Also started on digging another one of the beds, but didn't get very far.


        • #94
          What I am doing today (this is live from my allotment...)
          spuds planted.
          one bed I planned to put them in was a bit of a mess, as it had veg (carrots and leeks) I harvested in stages, so it never got stripped out. Girded my loins to clear it, then re-checked my notes. Can't put them in, there were spuds in there last year. So switched to a cleared bed.

          next job is to put the bean frame up. Hmmm, planned bean bed is now full of spuds... so I need to put the bean frame up in the bed the spuds were going to be in...

          yup, the one that was a mess. Hey ho... didn't need to clear the potato bed, just had to clear the same bed re-listed as a bean bed...

          nice day for it though.


          • #95
            I was fast enough to catch a pheasant for the pot. My plot is less than a mile from an official shoot so we do get a bit of overspill some times.
            Being told that it is not allowed indoors until it is plucked is the norm.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF7500.JPG
Views:	195
Size:	306.1 KB
ID:	2543116
            Near Worksop on heavy clay soil


            • #96
              Pulled the last of the black kale from the brassica cage, topped the beds with compost and planted out peas grown in guttering.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Peas-in-gutters.jpg
Views:	266
Size:	942.6 KB
ID:	2543124 Click image for larger version

Name:	Peas-out.jpg
Views:	261
Size:	1,011.0 KB
ID:	2543125
              Location ... Nottingham


              • #97
                Looking good there MrB

                I'm just chitting my peas so yesterday I filled guttering ready for my pea to go in.

                Just checked and some ready to sow. I'll do those this morning.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • #98
                  Potted up 3 types of lettuce and moved them to the cold frame, along with sweet peas, radishes and spring onions.
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • #99
                    Planted out 140 Golden Bear onions and a 60 cell tray of multi-sown beetroot, also pricked out a 60 cell tray of celeriac.
                    Location ... Nottingham


                    • Trimmed up and tied in the loganberry stems.
                      Pruned the rambling rose and buddleia.
                      Started on pruning the big cherry tree (done about three-quarters).


                      • Potted on nasturtiums, planted out what were last year's strawberry runners.
                        Sown last chitted peas into guttering.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Emptied one of my Daleks onto what will be my pea bed, turned another Dalek.
                          Pulled up bolted chard and self seeded land cress.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Yesterday I potted on orange banana,peacevine cherry & German red strawberry tomato seedlings they all sound like other fruit more to do soon,I noticed some haven’t germinated,I wonder what ones they are,I could have a quick look…’s balconi red,four cells no germination,I just watered them on a tray with a bit of seaweed feed….
                            Location : Essex


                            • Planted out my gutter of mangetout seedlings.
                              Did some more digging.


                              • Finally the planets aligned, well not so much the planets, but my availability, the wind gust speeds, wind direction and all round dryness so I was able to finally have my very overdue and desperately needed bonfire. 2 hours of ferrying piles of twigs etc and 2.5hrs of burning.
                                I am so glad it is done.
                                Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                                Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                                Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


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