That's a lot of aubergine for not much food, Mr B.
I know you're all going to say "yes, but you live in Spain", but conditions in my part of Spain are really harsh. And last year I disposed of thousands of snails (no exaggeration). The only big difference, I'd say, is that so far I've seen no red spider mite. Famous last words... I know it exists locally because it's a topic of discussion among growers here.
Start them off in a greenhouse and then move them outdoors? Mine don't get knocked back by the really cold temperatures that often finish off the tomato plants towards the end of September. So a spell of cold isn't the end of the world. Maybe the biggest issue would be waterlogging in frequent rains.
I know you're all going to say "yes, but you live in Spain", but conditions in my part of Spain are really harsh. And last year I disposed of thousands of snails (no exaggeration). The only big difference, I'd say, is that so far I've seen no red spider mite. Famous last words... I know it exists locally because it's a topic of discussion among growers here.
Start them off in a greenhouse and then move them outdoors? Mine don't get knocked back by the really cold temperatures that often finish off the tomato plants towards the end of September. So a spell of cold isn't the end of the world. Maybe the biggest issue would be waterlogging in frequent rains.