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Too late for swede?


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  • Too late for swede?

    Hi all,

    I’m in East London so the warmest part of the U.K. (unfortunately 😵) could I get away with sowing swede?

    I lost my other ones due to snails.


  • #2
    It's probably too late for sowing more, yeah. They won't grow very big before winter - maybe golf ball sized at best. June is usually the limit for sowing swede.

    In your part of the country it's not too late to sow certain other root crops, though. You could still get away with beetroot, early carrots, turnips, and radishes (including the massive white daikon radishes).


    • #3
      My best of all swede says May to July sowings so I think there is time,it’s only Aug 3rd. Maybe start in pots to give them a nice head start,the grounds a bit dry/slow growth. The ground here is like a clay pot,water & the sun melts it so you can dig a bowl out of it
      Location : Essex


      • #4
        I think it might be too late as they would struggle in the current hot dry weather. But fingers crossed as I have just sown a row on my plot (I forgot in July) and a row of turnips next to it as a fall back plan. Turnips not as tasty but for me they are less likely to end up peculiar shapes and sizes and they mature much quicker. Also you can multisow them (and beetroot) in modules to give them a head start.


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