I grow 2 varieties of outdoor tomato that make large, beefsteak type fruit - Crimson Crush and Oh Happy Day. These form sturdy compact plants with inch thick stems and grow to about 3ft high, with several trusses of up to 6 beefsteak tomatoes, which become very heavy. Every year I vow to find a method of supporting them and every year I fail, ending up with precariously leaning plants with increasing amounts of stakes and baling string attempting to keep them from keeling over completely. This year's plants, supported by several 2x1inch wooden stakes bashed at least a foot into the ground, are leaning at an angle of about 60 degrees, and attempts to straighten them with further stakes last only a few days before those stakes are leaning too. I have only been able to prevent them from falling over by bashing in yet another stake hard against the side of the hotbed for them to lean on, but I am worried this will damage the wooden side of the bed.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can support similar plants next year? Any support has to be removable as I need to put a cover over the hotbed early in the season, and it needs to be able to be constructed without any help, DIY skills or tools such as a drill, which I don't have. What do you do to support your beefsteak tomato plants? The usual suggestions of string, bamboo canes and plastic tomato cages are hopeless.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can support similar plants next year? Any support has to be removable as I need to put a cover over the hotbed early in the season, and it needs to be able to be constructed without any help, DIY skills or tools such as a drill, which I don't have. What do you do to support your beefsteak tomato plants? The usual suggestions of string, bamboo canes and plastic tomato cages are hopeless.