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What I did today 2024.


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  • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
    The stem on one of my Beth Alpha cucs had rotted it was just holding on till I started to pot it on. It’s now in a jar of water I’m hoping it’s going to root.
    My cucumbers been in that jar of water since the 12th it’s grown good roots and today I’ve potted it up.
    Hopefully it will survive.

    Location....East Midlands.


    • Well done Bren . I would never have thought to try that.
      Northern England.


      • today I mostly walked the dog ... Oh and I had a visit to the Heritage seed Library ... If you get chance to go ( tours on the Garden organic website) its really interesting
        Never be afraid to try something new.
        Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
        A large group of professionals built the Titanic


        • Picked up my battered poppies and staked them
          Potted sme rosemary cuttings to see if they will take
          Wandered the garden slug hunting. Loads and massive.
          Northern England.


          • Erected bean frame then planted Bluhilde fench beans.

            Gave my 4 spare toms away.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Planted out my outdoor peppers, tomatoes, and the remaining three litchi tomatoes, along with my overwintered cape gooseberries.
              Finished digging one of the big beds.


              • Yesterday I planted out a black cherry tomato with a French marigold & also planted the first cucumber partytime. Watered all the little pots.
                Location : Essex


                • We had so much rain today,it stopped & I planted out a cream sausage tomato plant with petunia & French marigold in a large container. Also planted out the second cucumber plant ‘diva’. My gloves are really wet & muddy,I’ve left them to dry in the sun,I might put them on the blowaway…..
                  Location : Essex


                  • This morning I've sown radishes and spring onions 2 varieties of each.

                    Edited to say I've sown Chantenay carrots and Mooli.
                    Last edited by Bren In Pots; 27-05-2024, 07:27 PM.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Earthed up some of the potatoes that needed doing,used all old compost,checked for bugs first. Planted up one little container of a yellow French marigold to have on the patio table. The patio tables full of plants that need planting out,it’s good the weather looks fine. I planted up these petunias I grew from seed into these pink hanging baskets I got from sainsburys

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                      Location : Essex


                      • Cleaned up my little growhouse on the allotment (lots of bindweed), used the old compost from the pots to earth up potatoes. Planted the chillies and aubergines in the pots and hope they like their new home.
                        Location: London


                        • Planted out some antirrhinums and gazania. Did some homeopathic weeding. Shoveled some compost on the potted bay tree and some of the little back garden beds. Shredded a good part of the pyracantha that I cut down a while ago and a maple that I'd cut out last week.

                          Then came inside, since it was precipitating by then..
                          Location:- Rugby, Warwckshire on Limy clay (within sight of the Cement factory)


                          • Some more digging.
                            Weeded some of the strawberries.


                            • Lots done again at the weekend

                              Saturday OH planted out Calabrese 'Atlantis', no-name Brussel Sprouts & Climbing French Bean 'Blue Lake' whilst I started painting the bench in a tasteful shade called 'Bold Plum' (the trellis bits in the sides & back are a real fiddle).

                              Sunday was a rest day & it was raining on & off all day anyway. Potted on some Perpetual Spinach & Kale, divided a congested little pot of Mint into 2 bigger pots (1 to be donated to mother who wants a proper 'minty' mint). Bit of sowing (will post on seed sowing thread).

                              Monday it was too wet to carry on with the bench paint & a few showers around so lots of hoeing & a bit of raking & weeding were done. Each plot on our site is responsible for maintaining the path that runs down the left boundary of their plot so whilst OH traipsed back & forth with barrows full of woodchip (typically last delivered on the opposite side of the site), I weeded & raked it out evenly. We then covered up the inside edge to give a foot-sized path for accessing the fruity area (autumn rasps, blackcurrant, gooseberries & strawberries), across the top of the main bed & down the path we boarded a couple of weeks back between 2 beds. Only 1 more main internal path to woodchip left really, plus a bit more around the bench/shed area but we await a new woodchip delivery.
                              Location: SE Wales about 1250ft up


                              • More digging. Nearly done now.
                                Sowed another gutter of sugar snap peas. Potted up some sweet potato cuttings, along with a tomato "cutting" (one of my plants snapped off on the way to the allotment a couple weeks ago. I put it in water, and it grew plenty of roots).


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