Cut back my blackberries then tied in the new canes, lots of weeding, sorting out compost and containers.
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What I did today 2025
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Yesterday I had my first visit to the plot this year(OH's been a couple of times - honest).
We still managed to get a few bits done. All the disasters were pulled up (sprouts & kale that did nothing at all, PSB that's been attacked by pigeons & also a few had rotted off). We harvested the last few swede & cut back the autumn raspberries. A plot neighbour has offered to burn our scrap wood this week (largely inherited when we took over) so that got piled up ready.
We had planned to empty a cooked dalek bin but it was too heavy for OH to tip alone & I wasn't strong enough to help so that will have to wait until we have a strong plot neighbour available to help. The beds are still a bit soggy so OH couldn't satisfy his urge to start forking the beds over but we're forecast a dry week so I'm hoping it will be better by next weekend.Location: SE Wales about 1250ft up
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