Originally posted by Nicos
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I bought 200 of what sounds like the same ones your daughter got, salix viminalis, or common osier. I chose due to being the fastest growing as I wanted the screening asap. I have since read these grow to more modest size and are sometimes referred to as shrubs for that reason.
I took cuttings from ones in the bits of existing hedge too as well as the mature one on the field. That mature one is quite a big boy. Probably about 6 meters wide and maybe 10m high. That is the one that has lots of leaf mould I mentioned.
I also read though if they are spaced closer together then they won't grow as much since they are in competition with each other so that could be beneficial if wanting mainly for screening.
I am sure they grow fast but I doubt faster than you could manage them? I could make good use of the product for hurdles or walls if they were logs, lots of stuff so I could not imagine having more wood than I could make use of. Could also use for firewood in the colder months if that much spare.
I have the opposite problem at the moment of very little raw material to make stuff. There is a small cops of wood on the field but I like that for a little privacy and just to go in there so don't want to cut it down. I think a lot of them are oak from what I have been told, but young ones so look nothing like mature ones, which is why I did not identify them as such myself.