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  • blight?

    hello vineys

    during my daily pot inspection today, i came across what i think might be early signs of blight in my newly planted vales emerald potatoes (planted 12th august)

    have taken some pics (below) and would be very grateful for advice - i have removed all affected leaves and moved the affected pot well away from the other seven pots.

    The first pots i planted on 4th August are well established and have been earthed up as far as the pot holds, can't believe how fast they have grown, one plant is even showing signs of flower heads,(third pic) i would think that it is a bit early for flowers. I would hate to loose the whole crop but on close inspection the first four pots are ok, two of the later planted pots have not even shown through the soil yet and one has grown about 3 inches high.

    any advice please?

    many thanks

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  • #2
    blight update

    well, I think I may have lost all my tubs of christmas spuds to blight.

    Out of 8 tubs, one has failed grow at all, one has totally lost its foliage, 3 are quite infected with one third of foliage gone {one of the three is in flower) two are just about 4 inches high but showing signs of blight and one is less affected but has signs of it as well.

    I have sprayed with Dithane this evening in the hope of halting it, but I am not that confident.

    Will just have to put it down to experience I suppose - shame, but there we go.
    A lesson for next year.



    • #3
      Yep, I lost my three tubs of xmas tatties to blight - the weather was that wet and horrible during august I couldnt get out for over a week - when I did, there they were, dying off, brown curled up leaves, dead black stems.......shame! can't blame them really! going to have another go this weekend, hopefully! dexterdog
      Bernie aka DDL

      Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


      • #4
        It's horrible when all your hard work goes black and squishy. We managed to save our mains last year by cutting of the foliage and haulms and digging up after ten days to a fortnight. We lost a few pots to slugs, woodlice and wireworm but still had a decent crop and have been fortunate this year so far. One of our plotholders swears by a mare's tale infusion sprayed on every day for three days.

        Probably the only acceptable use I can think of for the stuff. Have you tried Bordeaux mixture - it's copper based. I hope you manage to save some.
        Bright Blessings

        If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


        • #5
          I've just lost all my 'Moneymaker' toms to blight, I have just picked off the green toms that looked O.K. & washed them & put in a paper bag to see if they are O.K. I'm off to Cornwall for a week so I hope they are alright & might try green tom chutney when I come back.With potatoes the best thing is to grow earlies as they are usually harvested before the blight spores get going! Sorry about your losses Saffron. I've got a few potatoes in for xmas too & will be keeping an eye on the pot now that blight is in the garden.
          Into every life a little rain must fall.


          • #6
            I'm off on my hols on Thursday as well, so I suppose I will know when I get back whether I have managed to save any. Flowers have come out in one tub today but with 11 weeks (or thereabouts) to Christmas, they have some growing to do yet.

            My sprouts are looking good though as well as the second lot of swede, cabbage, beetroot, onions, leeks, carrots and the parsnip. I have just picked the last of my tumbler tomatoes. So all in all our first year of growing hasn't gone too badly, and we did get some lovely spuds from the beds and earlier tubs.

            Good luck to all that are growing xmas spuds if you haven't been affected by blight.



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