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New year resolutions


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  • New year resolutions

    Looking at the thread on "what veg did you have on Xmas day" I notice that a lot of people have vowed to do better next year. Other than to just do better what resolutions are peeps making with regard to growing your own.

    I know that most resolutions fall by the wayside by mid Jan but this year I want to keep my blog going for the full year, managed it till Aug this year. And to try and keep a better record of what I do and produce. I have done well this last year and the only veg I have bought is onions as mine failed and a few potatoes here and there.


  • #2
    I am going to try & get organised with my veg patch this coming year, trying to ensure i get the most out of it with successional planting & using early & late varieties of things. I would also like to poduce a blog, mainly for my own record rather than for other people to view (coz i'm shy!)
    keen but (slightly less) clueless


    • #3
      I only got my raised beds made in July this year, so it's my 1st full season coming up. (tho I have garlic and onion sets in a bed growing apace.)
      This year I shall keep a diary so I can refer back to successes and otherwise next year.
      I shall plan my planting , sow small amounts every 3 weeks.( Not bother with kohlrabi) Get plenty of chillis and tomatoes to put in my new polytunnel. Make another 4 raised beds. I'll get back to you with the rest later!
      Mad Old Bat With Attitude.

      I tried jogging, but I couldn't keep the ice in my glass.


      • #4
        im going to try and not get spring fever
        my plot march 2013

        hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


        • #5
          This will be my first year on my half plot, i had a bash at growing things on our little patio in pots last year, and absolutely loved it.
          My new years resolution is to perservere with the plot and not to get down when things get eaten, dug up or disappear!! Got lots of wildlife on our lottie!! Also determined to prove old fella on the plot next door that i do 'know my onions' as he does alot of head shaking and reminds me of Harry Enfields character, you don't want to do it like that!!
          Positive thinking is the new mantra for me.
          When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


          • #6
            Labelling stuff is my main resolution.
            And make more room for stuff I've had to buy this winter.
            And to use enviromesh on carrots and broccoli; we really need to keep the bugs at bay.


            • #7
              Just completed my new years resolution. Its a work in progress so please don't be too harsh!

              I have just created my first ever blog, took me four hours, but got there in the end.

              Last edited by Herbie; 03-01-2009, 09:41 PM.

              Updated 23rd February 2009


              • #8
                Don't do New Year's Resolutions, too much pressure. Prefer to make pledges to myself as I go along rather than wait until Jan 1st.

                Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                • #9
                  That my resolution too, do better; it wont be too hard.

                  But one thing is, grow carrots.

                  Carrots is the main veg that I eat, and I was unable to grow them last year.
                  Toms were also poor, I need to just get one or two outdoor types.
                  Onions, easy, I even give them away! Can do better with cabbages and swedes too.
                  Dont bother to grow leeks, raddish, lettuce and beans.
                  Butternut squash, that an expensive one too.

                  I have just dug my first bit over today, it was cold but not frozen, I havnt been to lottie for at least 3 months, not to do work anyway.
                  Must fix the fence and gate.

                  I like digging better than weeding!

                  I might do a half marathon too.



                  • #10
                    i'm not going to fall into the trap of sowing loads all at the same time so that we have all ready at once. i've made a list of when to start sowing everything so hopefully wont fall for leaving it late.
                    going to try swedes this year, tried a couple of years and not had any success, same with caulis, so i'm going to try and look after them better.


                    • #11
                      Going to be much more organised with my veg growing, this is my second year and i had some good results last year so im planning to grow a lot more, already built two small raised beds and have aquired some more wood to build about three more, got to plant more garlic and onions before week is out, and going to keep logs and take photos as i go, may even start a blog!!!
                      Life isnt about surviving the storm.....But learning to dance in the rain.


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