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Garlic - too late, and where from ?


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  • Garlic - too late, and where from ?

    Hi all,
    Am I too late to plant winter Garlic ? I see some places, like T&M, are now only selling for late 09 dispatch.
    I like the look of the Garlic Farm soft kneck starter pack (my soft ones did better than the hard ones last year), but the postage is about 30% of the cost! Can anyone recommend an alternative supplier ?

  • #2
    Hi I didn't get mine in til about march time last year as we didn't have the veg patch til then. I got it either from wilkos or homebase or somewhere like that. All of it grew and we are still using the stored bulbs!



    • #3
      I put some in modules and left them outdoors yesterday.


      • #4
        Sorry,I can't remember how much they were,but our local B&Q had some're fine to plant them right up to early spring.Most of ours are in already,but we'll probably pop in a couple of more rows Feb/March.
        the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

        Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


        • #5
          Originally posted by gingerneil View Post
          Hi all,
          Am I too late to plant winter Garlic ? I see some places, like T&M, are now only selling for late 09 dispatch.
          I like the look of the Garlic Farm soft kneck starter pack (my soft ones did better than the hard ones last year), but the postage is about 30% of the cost! Can anyone recommend an alternative supplier ?
          It is not too late but I would start them in pots on a window sill or in a cold frame, at least if you are getting the frosts like we are in Essex. However you will need to be careful as many of the sets will have been around since last year and thus may not be in too good a condition. Check that the cloves are still firm and don't already have a large green shoot showing. Wyevales is a good bet as they store their supplies very well.

          Personally I would wait an extra month and plant a spring sown variety in pots as above. You will not get any garlic until July/Aug but it will store well (much better than the autumn sown varities)


          Kitchen Gardener


          • #6
            thanks all. I've got a Wyevales up the road from me - I'll take a look and see what they have.


            • #7
              B&Q have onion sets & garlic for �1.99. You get 100 onion sets for that, didn't look at the garlic but they had several varieties.
              keen but (slightly less) clueless


              • #8
                I moved into my first 'proper' house March last year and was thrilled to have a garden at last. Last year I used a supermarket bought garlic which had begun to sprout and planted them out end of March hoping for the best. They all worked out (although smaller than I'd have liked)
                Good luck! x
                Serene she stand amid the flowers,
                And only count lifes sunny hours,
                For her dull days do not exist,
                Evermore the optimist


                • #9
                  I got mine in Wyevales. They were �1.99 less 25%. They are sprouting a little already but I'm not too fussed about how long they'll keep as I only intend to plant them as an insect deterrent. Want to use them as a border to try and trick the pesky little devils away from my carrots and brassicas. If I get usable garlic it will be a bonus.
                  Last edited by Sanjo; 04-01-2009, 07:50 PM.


                  • #10
                    Wilko's wil have onion and garlic sets in from the 12th Jan. ( so I was reliably informed by an assistant the other day )
                    They are usually quite reasonably priced and no postage to pay either.


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