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spinach - always fails me !


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  • spinach - always fails me !

    I have tried planting perpetual spinach for the past 2 years in a spare section of my raised bets. Everytime, they have come up OK, but then the underneath gets covered in little black things that look like flies. Whats going on - how can I stop this happening this year ?

    We eat loads of spinach, and Tesco get far too much of my hard earned ££ for it !

  • #2
    This isn't it is it??

    Spinach: protecting and enhancing this nutrition superstar | Agricultural Research | Find Articles at BNET

    or is it just simple blackfly???
    Have you tried growing nasturtiums nearby- they may prefer to feast on those and leave the spinach alone.
    Have you tried fleece over them as soon as they start growing- or environmesh???
    Last edited by Nicos; 09-01-2009, 12:26 PM.
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #3
      I think its just balckfly. I'll have a go with a fleece and see how I get on. Stupid really - but I never thought of that!


      • #4
        If gardening is the new rock and roll, then fleece is the new black - I'm investing in lots of enviromesh in 2009 to keep the bugs away.


        • #5

          I'm now thinking the same. I have some raised beds that are about 1m x 2m - the problem I have always had with netting is getting access when I need it. I'll have a go at building a removable frame this year - not sure how I will attach it though to prevent the wind getting hold of everything!


          • #6
            Sounds odd, I grew perpetual spinach and chard for the first time last year and had no issues.
            My 2014 No Dig Allotment
            My 2013 No Dig Allotment
            My 2012 No Dig Allotment
            My 2011 No Dig Allotment


            • #7
              My chard did badly last year (2007 was a bumper crop though). I did have blackfly, mould, also sparrows and pigeons eating it. The earlier sowings bolted, and the later ones didn't grow much
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #8
                We grew our first spinach in a shadier bit of the plot (still sun but for less of the day) and under netting. They thrived with no fly problems, with loads of leaves harvested, although they bolted after we'd gone on a 2 wk holiday!


                • #9
                  Mine was brilliant last year (it's still growing now - I had some in some pasta in the week). I started mine out in modules in the green house and then planted them out when they were about 4" high.
                  Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're probably right!


                  • #10
                    thanks to both - I'll try under cover, in a shaddier spot and start in modules. I won't be beaten this year!
                    How early can I start in an unheated mini plastic greenhouse?


                    • #11
                      Probably march? We started ours outside though under fleece (maybe even in March, I can't remember) and they grew quickly with no slug issues. Worth doing it in stages so you don't get loads in one go.


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