Martha, "Daucus carota" is the posh (species) name of carrots.
"berlikumer 2" is the cultivar name - a cultivar as you may know, is where you breed the species to create some individuals that will have certain traits. It's still part of the species because it will interbreed with other cultivars - that's pretty much the definition of a species, although it's not as clear cut as once thought, particularly with plants.
I got some of those too, last year, the ones the slugs didn't get (very few, sadly
) were beezers, definitely thinking of them again ! (And the scorzonera duplex, yummy and easier to grow than falling off a log.) But this year I think I'll try them in pierced florists' buckets, with sandy loam; that's worked better for me in the past with fewer problems with carrot fly etc.
"berlikumer 2" is the cultivar name - a cultivar as you may know, is where you breed the species to create some individuals that will have certain traits. It's still part of the species because it will interbreed with other cultivars - that's pretty much the definition of a species, although it's not as clear cut as once thought, particularly with plants.
I got some of those too, last year, the ones the slugs didn't get (very few, sadly
