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Wild garlic seeds...when to sow???


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  • Wild garlic seeds...when to sow???

    I am notoriously bad at planting things too late and I managed to harvest some seed heads from wild garlic while out on a walk
    I am desperate for my own supply of wild garlic so can anyone tell me how best to grow it and when to sow the seeds. I have raised beds and containers and some rubbish flowerbeds round the edges with nothing in except weeds (was planning on covering it in bark chippings eventually) and cat poo. Would cats steer clear of wild garlic?...lets be honest it does stink!!!!

    I get the impression its quite invasive so maybe my beds would be a bad idea.

    Any ideas chaps???????

  • #2
    Doesn't wild garlic like it really damp (is it wild garlic that grows on river banks? )

    I wouldn't bank on your cats steering clear as last year one of mine used to roll and lolop all over my onions... but.... garlic is stronger so maybe they will keep away?

    "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


    • #3

      I am pretty sure that wild garlic is very invasive ... we have a river near us where it grows on the bank and there are no other plants at all as it has covered everywhere ... even covers the foot path!! My cat loves the smell of garlic so not sure it will work as a cat deterrant (although my cat is very odd ... he eats the chives I grow in the garden!!)


      • #4
        Q. Wild garlic seeds - when to sow?
        A. Wait until they are really livid.


        • #5
          I have some wild garlic which i now grow in a couple of containers - it can be quite invasive. It does like damp conditions. I have one lot growing in the shade and another lot growing in partial shade. I obtained mine as plants, so i'm not sure about seed sowing - though at a guess i'd suggest sowing it around the time that you obtained the seed.

          And yes cats do seem to love it. Mine have been found lying amongst it in the past.
          �In everything natural there is something marvelous.� � Aristotle


          • #6
            Ooooops!!! I have had the seed since June when I picked it and then I've had it drying out on the windowsill.


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