I went up to my allotment today for the first time in a few weeks to pick some Cavalo Nero and noticed that before the snow hit, all my PSB had be a feasting ground for what I assume is cabbage moth. There wasn't anything on the leaves when I looked (well, what was left of the leaves), so I'm hoping this cold snap has killed off a good part of them.
Is there any chance that some TLC will revive my PSB? And what kind of tender loving care should I give them? All the plants look well chewed up, but none are down to bare stalks or anything, so I think given a bit of good weather and less negligence by me, they might perk up and keep growing.
Is there any chance that some TLC will revive my PSB? And what kind of tender loving care should I give them? All the plants look well chewed up, but none are down to bare stalks or anything, so I think given a bit of good weather and less negligence by me, they might perk up and keep growing.