Spring onions are quite expensive to buy but with some sowing now, and again in April, you can ensure a constant supply right through the summer.
If you sow some spring onion seeds now like this, you will ensure a nice early crop of scallions to go in those salads.
Plant the modules out in late March to avoid the worst of the weather, giving some protection if required and start pulling in late April onwards. As you only pull the biggest in any clump, the others carry on growing giving you successional harvesting.
Give it a go.
If you sow some spring onion seeds now like this, you will ensure a nice early crop of scallions to go in those salads.
Plant the modules out in late March to avoid the worst of the weather, giving some protection if required and start pulling in late April onwards. As you only pull the biggest in any clump, the others carry on growing giving you successional harvesting.
Give it a go.