sent for a newspaper offer of holly trees for the postage cost - though a rather inflated cost to my mind - supposedly guaranteed pre Christmas delivery orovided you sent the order in by a certain date; nothing arrives and I'd just given up hope when they do surface. Stamped by T&M 'despatch date 22nd January' with a notice on the outside of the packaging telling you what to do for your 'festive decorations' (!!!). Growing instructions advise you to have a male and a female if you want berries - but do they tell you whether what you've got is male/female/one of each? guess. I emailed T&M for help on this as well as complaining about the delivery (I received no acknowledgement of the order or indication as to when I would get the trees) and the reply merely says that they are 'unnamed varieties but both female'. If they're unnamed how do they know both are female??
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