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So proud :)


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  • So proud :)

    I am just preparing the childrens supper.

    Tonight they are having a freshly caught sea trout courtesy of our lovely neighbour. With that they are having freshly dug spuds, turnips and carrot thinnings all out of my garden

    I am just having a coffee are a very long day outside in the garden of course, the only thing missing is a nice cold beer but i cant because i am on antibiotics which categorically say NO DRINKING otherwise i might die!!!! So in order to continue to enjoy my garden i have decided to refrain!!

  • #2
    Wow - a whole dinner without any bought ingredients! No wonder you're proud!

    Last night we had home-grown cavalo nero with our sausages, picked from the allotment a few hours earlier, and I can honestly say it was the best kale I've ever tasted, amazingly sweet and tender. I've had black kale before, from our organic veg box, but the leaves were huge and quite tough. I picked mine at about six inches long and the flavour was far superior. Will definitely be growing it again next year!


    • #3
      Nice one Where2start, so satisfying!
      Life is too short for drama & petty things!
      So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


      • #4
        Its a lovely feeling Where2start isn't it. All I picked yesterday were a few salad leaves, both from the greenhouse and under the outside fleece. They were two colours and very pretty, but what is more - they were all my own. Could have had radish thinnings too but forgot to pick them!! Well done you.
        Last edited by Sanjo; 08-02-2009, 12:33 PM.


        • #5
          You've a good right to be proud where2start. Enjoy!!!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #6
            good stuff where2start last time i had sea bass was 10 years ago a freind took me sea fishing
            Take photographs today because tommorow you might not have

            Together everyone achieves more


            • #7
              Congratulations Where2start. It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?
              Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


              • #8
                Well done, you! I've got nothing home-grown at the moment, oh dear!


                • #9
                  As this was year one in my house the veg garden went in with some haste to catch the season. My only regret is that i didnt plant enough spuds. I only planted 16 tubers and there really isnt many left. Now if i had the patience to leave them i think they would do very well, but i just cant help dig them up before they are ready!!

                  Were close to heading into the dark cold winter and i refuse to let that stop my efforts. In the cold frame at the moment i have swede, parsnips and winter cabbage growing, ready to be left in over winter. I am already planning the next season

                  The next thing i want to buy is a conservatory on the front of my house so that i can technically use it as a greenhouse. Not the cheapest purchase for growing veggies but still going to be very worth it!


                  • #10
                    Impressive where2start, but Eyren getting sausages from the allotment is even more so...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Uncle Albert View Post
                      Impressive where2start, but Eyren getting sausages from the allotment is even more so...
                      *lol* I wish! Mr E would love to keep pigs (his dad used to have a smallholding many years ago), but I'm not sure he'd have the heart to send them to the slaughterhouse. The only "livestock" on our lottie are the frogs and lizards who live under the compost heap...


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