Just bean digging some of my artichokes up that were planted to screen the chicken run. They grew to 10 foot high and screened it too well stopping the light from getting to chooks, soooooooooo..............
As I have nowhere else to plant them, howsabout I plant them down the centre of my runner bean trench? That way the artichokes can grow up the middle, nourished by the rotting vegetables placed in there, and I can plant the runners/butter beans along the outsides as usual! The support for JA's will be already in position and the runners can use them as added support as well as the canes placed along each side of trench!
Am I mad!!!!!!!!!

As I have nowhere else to plant them, howsabout I plant them down the centre of my runner bean trench? That way the artichokes can grow up the middle, nourished by the rotting vegetables placed in there, and I can plant the runners/butter beans along the outsides as usual! The support for JA's will be already in position and the runners can use them as added support as well as the canes placed along each side of trench!
Am I mad!!!!!!!!!
