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Anyone made their own seed tapes?


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  • Anyone made their own seed tapes?

    I'm very tempted to make my own seed tape for carrots this year - I know it can be done, but wondered if anyone had tried it and whether it was successful? One thread I saw on here mentioned flour and water, but this sounds slightly messy (and non-fungicidal wallpaper paste is hard to find these days...), but I'm willing to be advised!

    Also, if anyone has tried it, what did you use as 'tape'?

    I'm hoping for some positive feedback, as I love messing like that !
    Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.

  • #2
    Now that sounds like a bloody good idea!

    Now the details. What about masking tape (which is both paper, and will therefore rot), and sticky (so you can roll a few foot off the reel, apply carrot/parsnip/whatever seed and re roll).

    Actually is this a bit of a fiddle?


    • #3
      i haven't tried it, but i'd go for masking tape too


      • #4
        What about putting the seeds on kitchen roll and leaving to dry then cutting the kitchen roll into strips?

        These days with carrots, I sow a pinch of seed at a time in between the onions and they grow all together and are harvested by the bunch.


        • #5
          I did it last year with beetroot using narrow masking tape, I laid a long strip across the dining room table (you need two rolls for my method) and taped it down to both ends of the table in a straight line without tearing it off.

          Then I set the seed at four inch spacing and then taped over the top of the seed with the second roll tearing off at the end of the table.

          Then I untaped it from the table and moved it along to start again on the bottom tape just after the last seed, I did a couple of 30 foot lengths.

          I planted them and let them germinate, I also had another two 30 foot rows that were hand sown and they both ended up having about the sam success rate wich was very good.

          I will say though that it is a real ball ache making your own seed tapes, and for the sake of a few extra dropped seeds I dont think it is worth making your own tapes.
          Cheers Chris

          Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


          • #6
            Sounds like an extreme amount of effort. If you are going to go to all that effort measuring, gluing/sticking, re-rolling, etc.. you could just drop them into the ground at the proper spacing and save yourself A LOT of time. Even if you have to thin a few out.. you'd still be ahead.

            Maybe if you're looking to make something to keep yourself 'gardening' at this early time of year, mark up a cane with the proper spacing.. so you can just press it into your soil to create your drill, then move it over half an inch so you can use your marks as to where to sow each seed.


            • #7
              Thanks for the replies. I might have a go at the kitchen roll idea, as when I've put seeds on wet k.r in the past it has stayed put pretty well. Crichmond, I was interested to read your reply, you put a lot of effort in there! As mine is for carrots, which are such tiny, fiddley seeds, I'm going to have a go - I'll let you know its success or otherwise!
              Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.


              • #8
                the best to materials to make seed tapes from are corn syrup and loo paper.


                • #9
                  I was just going to suggest toilet paper too. No cutting required I would think. If not made days in advance, I think making the paper damp, putting down the seed and then folding the paper over so the seed is tucked inside would be the way to go.


                  • #10
                    Hee hee - I started reading this thread and thought "oh brilliant idea!" and by the time I got to the last post I was more "hmmm...too much hassle!"

                    I'm getting seed tapes just for carrots, but think I'll buy ready made ones. My lazy gene getting the upper hand I'm afraid, but good luck if you give it a bash.
                    I don't roll on Shabbos


                    • #11
                      would the seeds start growing though if put onto wet loo paper? Maybe they would need to be planted straight away in that case, instead of keeping handy seed tape for planting a handful of carrots each week? perhaps a mix of golden syrup on loo paper, then folding it over would stick them in place but without encouraging them to romp off growing?

                      (disclaimer - absolute guess work)
                      Last edited by magz.mccarthy; 23-02-2009, 09:05 AM.


                      • #12
                        It's far too fiddly.

                        Carrots - just sow a pinch at a time - they push themselves apart.

                        Magz..if you are going to put a mix of golden syrup on loo roll, and fold it over with seeds in place please can you film it and post it on You Tube....I suspect much hilarity.


                        • #13
                          ha ha, i'll end up with carrots growing in my matted hair, jumper, hand stuck to my face, etc.


                          • #14
                            Found this:

                            Cambourne Allotment Website : DIY seed tapes


                            • #15
                              Me thinks the ants will be enjoying the syrup though.
                              "He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"


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