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Kidney Beans


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  • #16
    zazen999 maybe is it because your statements are not related reason but emotion.
    My post not about put people off but perspective and planning.
    Since people don't usually have true perspective when comes to numbers.
    In tough times when gardening counts you need to plan properly to fill your food needs from your garden.
    Last edited by gridgardener; 24-02-2009, 06:51 AM.


    • #17
      so how large are the pods? approx how many can I expext per pod? Theres only the 2 of us, and although It would be great to have them for all though next winter- I dont really have too much space- as hadn't planned for them this year!


      • #18
        Originally posted by gridgardener View Post
        one kidney bean plant will produce about .006lbs-.04lbs of beans which means you will need between
        25-167 plants to produce 1 lbs of kidney beans.
        Blimey - that seems low - where do you get your figures?

        I've just done a google search which comes up with a figure for red kidney bean yields of 50g per plant (that's 8 plants for a lb of beans if my maths is up to scratch.)

        In general I think beans are a really good value-for-space plant whether growing the beans for the pods (who doesn't have a glut of runner beans in the summer!) or dried. Easy to grow, and quick to crop - ideal beginners plant, in fact.


        • #19
          There really is no reason to be quite so combative. This is a friendly forum and Zazen is an experienced and valued member. I have learned an awful lot from Zazen's advice and appreciate that it is given so freely. Everyone is, of course, entitled to their opinion, but there are other ways of making your point.
          We are not all 'digging for victory' and do not need to plan our plots with military prescision.
          Some of us actually grow stuff fbecause we enjoy it.


          • #20
            here is another number that blow right by you.
            Say buy 1 lb weight kidney beans seeds. which is about 50 seeds per oz
            which is 800 seeds and 70% germination
            give bean plants that produce beans you could get a production of 3.5lbs -20 lbs beans.
            lets say the average person in uk uses 14 lbs of dried beans year.
            Last edited by gridgardener; 23-02-2009, 03:17 AM.


            • #21
              Hazel at the Hill and source of you numbers. Are those dry weight or wet weight production numbers.
              the source of my numbers how to grow more vegetables By john jeavson.
              Last edited by gridgardener; 22-02-2009, 03:01 PM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by gridgardener View Post
                zazen999 maybe is it because your statements are not related reason but emotion.
                My post not about put people off but perspective and planning.
                Since people don't usually have true perspective when comes to numbers.
                I tough times when gardening counts you need to plan properly to fill your food needs from your garden.
                Nope, my numbers are based on my actual plants and the actual amount of time it's take to eat the beans in my freezer.


                • #23
                  The google search came up with:

                  A variety of dark red kidney beans, having the characteristics of an upright plant structure of at least 55 cm tall; a medium to large bean seed size, a bean seed total yield weight per plant of at least 45 grams; resistance to root rot disease; strong tolerance to angular leaf spot disease; superior pod suture strength; and superior canning quality

                  Without turning the thread into a maths lesson , last year I grew 11 varieties of bean in a 20' by 4' area from which me, family, friends and a neighbour ate fresh beans from jul to oct, I am still eating frozen beans, have 3 jars of dried beans and have sent approx 100 packets of beans out to other growers for next year.

                  That's a pretty good yield in my book, so I think they earn their place in the plot!
                  Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 22-02-2009, 03:14 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by gridgardener View Post
                    Hazel at the Hill and source of you numbers. Are those dry weight or wet weight production numbers.
                    the source of my numbers how to grow more vegetables By john jeavson.
                    So they aren't your numbers at all then...


                    • #25
                      zazen999 never said they were.


                      • #26
                        All becoming a bit to technical for me. In my book beans are probably the most productive veg that you can grow on an allotment. If you are growing for dried beans you need to keep picking beans till about mid season before allowing the beans to mature for drying. Otherwise yields will be well down, as someone said once beans have set on the plant they stop producing.



                        • #27
                          gojiberry but we talking about beans for drying not eating immature pods.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by gridgardener View Post
                            one kidney bean plant will produce about .006lbs-.04lbs of beans which means you will need between
                            25-167 plants to produce 1 lbs of kidney beans.
                            Hmm. At a conversion ratio of 453.59237g per pound...

                            0.006 lb is 2.7g which is 11 dried beans
                            0.04 lb is 18g which is 46 dried beans [I've just weighed some].

                            11-46 actual beans - per plant?


                            • #29
                              Well Im just gonna grow some beans and be ridiculously chuffed if I get to eat some
                              WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                              • #30
                                The only dried beans I get to eat are the ones I miss as runners usually
                                I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                                Now a little Shrinking Violet.



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