last year, I planted onion sets inbetween my rows of carrots, they grew about 30cm tall, then they all kind of fell over, and disappeared!!!
I presumed either onion eating bugs had had them, or mice. My carrots carried on happily, despite the wet weather.
Today I was digging over that bed, and found quite a few onion sets
Some were mushy and obviously rotten, others were quite hard, and looked like I could just plant them again (but didn't, I put them on the compost pile.)
So what went wrong with them? Tested the ph, it was 7 today, the only thing I can think is it was too wet last year, I was also quite late putting them in.
I am hoping to use the same bed for my onions, spring onions, leeks and garlic this year, figure that as they spent less than a month in the bed and did very little there, it is ok to use the same bed again?
Any advice?????

I presumed either onion eating bugs had had them, or mice. My carrots carried on happily, despite the wet weather.
Today I was digging over that bed, and found quite a few onion sets

Some were mushy and obviously rotten, others were quite hard, and looked like I could just plant them again (but didn't, I put them on the compost pile.)
So what went wrong with them? Tested the ph, it was 7 today, the only thing I can think is it was too wet last year, I was also quite late putting them in.
I am hoping to use the same bed for my onions, spring onions, leeks and garlic this year, figure that as they spent less than a month in the bed and did very little there, it is ok to use the same bed again?
Any advice?????