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Proud of myself today.


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  • Proud of myself today.

    I made a new bed, right from scratch, and - I used my own home-made compost to fill it... whey hey! We inherited this compost bin from the previous owners and for a year and a half have been throwing stuff in. Too much woody stuff as I found out today but never mind; what was there between the big twigs (which I pulled out by hand) was gorgeous sweet smelling dark hummus. I couldn't beleive it, its like magic! The bed is only small - its the drop gap between us and our neigbours fence, there was a drop of about 6 inches and about six inches wide (I know, tiny, but I'm using up every available nook and cranny). Its about six feet long. Anyway, I filled it with my hummus then planted some gladioli then on top of them I sprinkled some cosmos and flax seeds and on top of them I put a sprinkling of John Innes no2 and then a mulch of leaf bark. I figure that will keep the weeds out and the birds off. Fingers crossed till June! I've taken a photo of course and when I get organised I will post to my blog.
    OOOh OOOh!! and the other thing is I dug up a big clump of wild garlic that grows near the wall and made a tomato pasta sauce with it. It didn't have bulbs as such and was very mild but ok to use I think.
    PS.. Can anyone help me with my compost question? We know now not to put any more woody bits in but the bulk of what we do add is juice pulp - ie carrot, apple and orange peel (we don't seem to have many 'green' leftovers and we don't peel our vegetables). Should I add grass cuttings? - there will be more as the weeks pass but not loads. I'm thinking egg shells - we have about six in a week between us. I found when I was working through the stuff which came out of the bin that the orange peel was still whole, should we cut back on that? And can we use banana skins - we smoothie about five a week. I suppose I should be bringing my apple cores back from work too eh?
    Thanks, this has been long winded but I'm quite excited about today!

  • #2
    Well done you, good feeling isn't it? I read somewhere that worms don't like too much citrus so maybe that's why it was left. I'm pretty sure banana skins can go in and the egg shells. I also think some grass cuttings can go in cos it helps to heat up the heap. Tea bags, newspapers, egg boxes, coffee grounds can also go in. I'll keep thinking about more green bits.
    AKA Angie


    • #3
      I can't stop looking out of the window at my hard work. I am pleased in the main coz I did it 'properley' no half measures. That means of course that I will be expecting great results and will be peeved if not !!
      The compost did have some nice long worms and some 'see through' beetles and you know what? I was happy to see them, I didn't scream and run for the hills, I was actually glad they were there - and I was able to look at them full on without half closing my eyes and turning my head. Cor blimey - I'll be a proper gardner at this rate!! All thanks to people on the vine, keeping me enthusiastic and helping with their wealth of knowledge.


      • #4
        Sounds like you have had a really productive time. Its lovely when you have days like that isnt it? The people here have really encouraged me and stopped me being overwhelmed by my own ignorance and giving up.
        Heres to us both being proper gardeners one day
        WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


        • #5
          You're already proper gardeners!! You've sown seeds and they've grown, weeded and made compost, built raised beds...Felt the satisfaction of working hard and stood back to see what you've achieved...and made the odd mistake. What else makes a 'proper' gardener?!
          Last edited by SarzWix; 07-03-2009, 07:00 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
            You're already proper gardeners!! You've sown seeds and they've grown, weeded and made compost, built raised beds...Felt the satisfaction of working hard and stood back to see what you've achieved...and made the odd mistake. What else makes a 'proper' gardener?!
            Hear,hear !
            Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


            • #7
              All sounds great to me, banana skins, egg shells and grass cuttings are good to compost but personally I would leave out the orange peel and apple cores. Great feeling isn't it, seeing your "black gold"

              Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


              • #8
                I would leave out citrus peels and egg shells (because I find they don't break down easily and can attract rats), but certainly not apple cores.
                I add a small amount of grass cuttings, but only if the bin is a bit full of cardboard and drier waste. I try to add some dry stuff, often shredded paper whenever I add wetter peelings and stuff like that from the kitchen.

                Grass cuttings are alot like urine, adds lots of nitrogen, which gets the heap going like wildfire, but you can easily add too much and have a slimy heap of cr@p.
                "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

                Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


                • #9
                  Whatever you put into your compost, make sure you stick a fork in it and mix the new stuff into the old a bit. If you do this each time you make an addition your results will be that much quicker than the layering method. The "Experts" reccommend turning the whole thing once or twice during the "cooking process", but believe me, this is hard work!
                  Anyway, well done, and yes, you should be on vey good terms with your worms before very long. I find myself complimenting them on their size, legnth and colour!! But then I do need help......
                  When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


                  • #10
                    Well Done Marthaclematis. I have also been using up my compost for raised beds. Can't wait to see the piccys. I finished my raised beds about a week ago and can't wait to get started now.

                    Updated 23rd February 2009


                    • #11
                      I dry out eggshells, crunch them up fairly small and use them around plants to deter slugs and snails.



                      • #12
                        I spent about 15mins after I'd had my breakfast peeling the membrane from our eggs and then pounding them with a pestle and mortar... they grind down to dust! Gotta be good! I've also had some pistacio nuts tonight and rinsed the shells in water (to remove the salt I've been informed) ready to add tomorrow. If I rush home from work I might get 20mins of enough light to 'work' with. I must say, I've never rushed home from work to get to my compost heap before.


                        • #13
                          Your pleasure at your compost is infectious - I am smiling for you now! Isn't it wonderful when things go as planned - I used the first of my homegrown stuff a couple of weeks ago, and the satisfaction was immense. Good stuff.

                          I crush my eggshells down a bit (when I remember!), and applecores and banana skins all go in. I also have a wormery, so save the 'choice bits' for my friends in there.

                          Wishing you many more happy hours of gardening and composting, just think, the nights are getting lighter by the day, so more time to get out there .
                          Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.


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