As a newbie last year (not knowing what I was doing) I started my 'snips off in a heated propagator, had good germination rate then dug a deep hole in the bed and laid the tap root out straight into the ground.
Had some massive long parsnips from that experiment used Gladiator variety, was pleasantly surprised, everyone said you cannot transplant parsnips
Main learning I took was if your going to transplant a root vegetable create a deep straight hole with a stick/dibber straighten the tap root when putting into the ground..
As a newbie last year (not knowing what I was doing) I started my 'snips off in a heated propagator, had good germination rate then dug a deep hole in the bed and laid the tap root out straight into the ground.
Had some massive long parsnips from that experiment used Gladiator variety, was pleasantly surprised, everyone said you cannot transplant parsnips
Main learning I took was if your going to transplant a root vegetable create a deep straight hole with a stick/dibber straighten the tap root when putting into the ground..