Has anyone saved their garlic year after year and kept growing what would in effect be their own strain?
Last year I went to a Chinese supermarket and bought some of their lovely big garlic bulbs, I planted 7 cloves up and they have come out to be really lovely big strong plants.
They have lasted through the cold of this winter outside in a big pot and look fine.
So what I'd like to do is to save a couple of the bulbs for planting next year, how do I do this?
Do I dig them up at the same time as the others and put them in a cold place? (difficult to find here in the summer)
Or something else? Any tips would be great.
I know someone will say you should buy clean seed every year, but garlic has been grown for 100's of years, I bet in 1824 they didn't buy it from the Isle of Wright seed merchants, they must have saved their own.
Last year I went to a Chinese supermarket and bought some of their lovely big garlic bulbs, I planted 7 cloves up and they have come out to be really lovely big strong plants.
They have lasted through the cold of this winter outside in a big pot and look fine.
So what I'd like to do is to save a couple of the bulbs for planting next year, how do I do this?
Do I dig them up at the same time as the others and put them in a cold place? (difficult to find here in the summer)
Or something else? Any tips would be great.
I know someone will say you should buy clean seed every year, but garlic has been grown for 100's of years, I bet in 1824 they didn't buy it from the Isle of Wright seed merchants, they must have saved their own.